Page 65 of Frisco
“I thought you’d stay back with Prez,” I told him.
His face twitched, and he almost snorted. “I hear Estrada is here and you think I’m staying to guard an ailing man? You loco.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” Still, the club came first. Boise took that seriously, so for him to choose my side instead of Max’s said a lot.
“I’m told you have a woman?” He raised an eyebrow.
Now I snorted. “That’s a battle for a whole other day.”
He chuckled, and Crow headed our way. All the other guys were on their bikes or moving toward them.
“You still good with the plan?” Crow asked me.
I inclined my head toward Boise. “I’m going to add the new guys around the perimeter. They know what to do, but we’ll keep some here to guard the women and kids.”
Crow nodded, giving Boise a once-over.
There’d already been introductions. Crow had been the one to greet the guys as they drove in, but he was seeing a new dynamic here. I got it.
“When we ride in, do I need to know the reason you’re here?” Crow asked.
I felt Boise tense. I did too. I’d known this was coming. Just came faster than I thought.
“Your president reached out to Max,” I told him. “He’s in prison for the long haul, and he wanted us here to help situate you guys for new leadership. Said you were having problems with a few of the guys.”
Crow nodded because he knew that. He’d been told that. It’s the reason our trip here wasn’t a surprise, but it wasn’t the only reason, and he must’ve sensed that by now. His eyes danced between Boise and me.
“That’s true,” he said. “You guys being here has settled some of those guys, but I’m thinking we might need to have another conversation after tonight.”
I’d asked Max for three months. I wanted to smooth my way in, not kick over any rocks that had snakes underneath. But with Estrada’s presence and the new guys from our charter coming in, I didn’t have much choice.
“I got a call,” he added after a moment. “The food’s ready. A couple of the sweet butts stayed back to play pretend girlfriends. We’re ready to go.”
I nodded, and since I was the highest ranking member here, I led them out.
Crow came next, right beside me. We interspersed my guys and his guys so they were riding next to the new guys, but at the end of the day, we were all brothers.
The women came out to watch us go. I glimpsed Kali in the window as we rode down the driveway.
This part was sacred.
It was us, our bikes, and the open road—nothing separating us from nature. The wind. The sun.
We were free.
Watching the entire line of motorcycles leave was another reminder that this was an entirely different world, different culture. But I was still me, and I needed food. Or more importantly, I needed coffee.
So here I went.
I dressed, keeping it simple with the same clothes I’d had on yesterday. I put my hair up in a thick braid, and I was guessing I’d need some adaptability moving forward. No matter. I could do that. Been doing that all my life.
The barn was mostly empty. There were a few guys on the main floor. All watched me, but none moved to come toward me. I could see a couple women in the back, by the kitchen.
I guess that’d be where I go for food? Or the main house?