Page 92 of Kade
“No, and I don’t. There’s a lot you have no idea I think about.”
Example number one, I was back to being certain I was a sociopath. Or I had sociopathic tendencies. I didn’t plan enough to be a psychopath. And I functioned a little more normally than a psychopath. I wasn’t acting. I just didn’t have fear or emotions about a lot of people.
I turned back to Traine. “We done here? Monroe and I need to go fight, and afterward, I’m going to climb on his lap. The longer you take, the less likely I’ll get the happy ending I’m hoping for.”
The guys started laughing.
“Fuck, Maddy,” came Max’s voice behind me.
I gave Traine a meaningful look, and still laughing, he held his hands up, taking a dramatic step away. “Not holding you back. Let’s catch up later, Kade. Yeah?”
I rolled my window back up, and Max drove away.
My phone buzzed.
Traine: Your car is still here.
Me: I’ll get it later.
Traine: Steele’s sister is coming to hang out this weekend. He wants to know if you want to meet her. She’s cool.
Unknown Number: I can ask her myself. You don’t have to be our spokesperson for everything.
Oh. This was a group chat. Scrolling up, I confirmed it. Traine was there. Me. I changed the unknown number to Steele. There were two other numbers.
Me: Who else is in here?
Unknown: Me! Axel.
Me: Got you. Who’s the other one?
Traine: It’s Aurelia.
I scrolled back up and removed her from the group chat.
Traine: Uh…
Me: It’s me or her. I’m not going to deal with her in a text chat too. School and the few times I hang out with you guys is more than enough.
Traine: We’ll make a new chat with her.
Axel: Got a feeling this one will be way more interesting.
Me: I don’t sext.
Axel: Maybe not.
Steele: Gross, dude.
Traine: Uh…
Axel: Haha, Traine. Steele, wtf?
I was done with this conversation and wanted to get back to Max.