Page 156 of Blood Mosaic
“I have killed many vampires,” Oleg said quietly. “Did you think I became the immortal lord of the Kievan Rus because of diplomacy?”
“She was your mate.” Tatyana started to pace. “Her blood was… it waslivingin you.”
Just as your blood is living in me now.“Yes.”
“You said it hurt you when she died.”
Why was she so agitated? Did Tatyana think Oleg was going to kill her if he tired of her? Oleg sat back in his chair and folded his hands even though the old feelings and regrets were roaring in his mind.
“Luana had to die because she was unwell,” he said. “She was erratic, dangerous, and became obsessed with taking human women off the street and feeding from them until they died, which was completely unnecessary for a vampire her age. In the week before I killed her, she had taken twenty women.Twenty. If I hadn’t done something, the humans would have found her, and she could have exposed us.”
“Yes.” Tatyana nodded, but she didn’t stop pacing. “I understand that.”
“So why does this upset you?”
“It hurt you.”
Did she care that much for him? Oleg felt a crack in his control. “Yes. It hurts when a blood bond is broken even if it is an old one.”
“And it hurt Zara.”
Oleg froze. Where was she going? “Yes. Zara hated me for killing Luana.”
“It was wrong,” Tatyana whispered, her eyebrows knitting together. “Elene told her that when Zara was beating her. She said it was wrong and everyone knew it.”
“I’m sure Elene said that because?—”
“She was trying to calm Zara down! Obviously.”
Nothing was obvious about how this woman’s mind worked. What was churning behind her blue eyes? “I do not understand why you are so agitated. Will you please?—”
“It hurt Zara when Luana died because they had exchanged blood, yes?”
“No.” Why was she asking about his dead mate’s blood? “Luana never gave Zara her blood. They were not mated. That’s why Luana remained my mate until I killed her.”
Tatyana walked to the other side of his desk and stood, her amnis vibrating in the air. “Butyoudid. You gave your daughter Luana’s blood when you made her.”
Oleg narrowed his eyes but said nothing.
“She’s a water vampire, not an earth vampire,” Tatyana said. “You may be her sire, but she carries a lot of Luana’s blood. You said that.”
She wasn’t wrong. Oleg’s daughter carried the last of Luana’s amnis in her veins.
He shrugged. “And?”
“Zara has your blood. She hasLuana’sblood. She is a part of both of you. When the time comes to kill her, are you actually going to do it?”
Obviously not because it might kill you too.Not that Oleg was ever going to tell her that.
“Is this why you’re angry?” Oleg unfolded his hands and slowly stood. “Because you think I won’t have the strength to kill Zara?” The corner of his mouth turned up. “Really?”
“Iknowyou have the strength,” Tatyana spat out. “But do you have the will? You accuse me of loving her, butyou do too. She’s your blood, Oleg. And the last blood of your mate.” Tatyana locked eyes with him. “Tell me you’re going to kill her.”
Oleg crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his chin up, looking down his nose at the angry woman. “I haven’t decided yet.”
Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. “You’re not going to, are you?”