Page 167 of Blood Mosaic
With his fire neutralized by the flowing water, he let his amnis free, and the moment it touched Tatyana’s skin, she gasped.
“Why do I want you so much?”
“It’s a very ancient rule, my little wolf.” He ran his fangs along her slick shoulder. “To the victor go the spoils.”
“Yes.” Her fingers threaded through the hair at his nape, and she wrapped her legs around Oleg’s hips, pulling him closer. Her chin lifted and Oleg wanted to shout in pleasure at the triumph in her eyes.
He angled his hips, aligning their bodies before he slid inside, her tight heat grasping him more firmly than her hand. He seated his cock to the hilt and pressed her back against the wall, fucking her slowly as his amnis spread over her skin, licking his energy against hers so that every inch of her skin was stimulated.
“It feels…” She gasped.
“How does it feel?” His strokes were excruciatingly slow. He gripped her wrist in one hand and lifted it over her head, holding her to the wall so she could barely move.
Tatyana shook her head. “I can’t… I can’t?—”
“Yes, you can.” His left hand gripped her ass, angling her hips to his, while his other continued to hold her arm captive. She clung to his shoulders as her body erupted in pleasure.
He felt the flood of her amnis release over his body as she came, but Oleg waited until her eyes opened and locked with his. “Tatyana?”
Her lips were red and flushed with blood. “Yes.”
He bent down, pressing his lips to her flushed mouth and biting, then licking away the sweet drop of blood at the corner before he drove his hips harder into her and moved his mouth to her ear.
“You are mine,” he whispered. “I am patient. But you are mine. And when you are ready, you willgiveme your fangs.”
With one last arch of his hips, Oleg closed his eyes and released.
Chapter Forty-Eight
Tatyana lay in a windowless room, staring at the clock on the wall.
Midnight. It had only been five hours since she’d woken to humans outside her room, been in the middle of a vampire battle, and made love to Oleg in a shower after he killed Zara in front of her.
It had felt like making love. He’d been tender and loving. He’d washed her hair and examined every scratch on her body before he lifted her, covered her with his electric energy, and slowly made love to her.
And for a moment she forgot everything but the safety she felt in his arms.
“You are mine. I am patient. But you are mine. And when you are ready, you willgiveme your fangs.”
She closed her eyes and wiped away the tears that seeped from the corners. Oleg was power and possession. He was a lord accustomed to worship, and she could not give him her adoration without hating herself.
And if she hated herself, eventually she would hate him.
“Stay in this chamber until we repair your room.”
Oleg had shown her to this small room in the basement of the house.
“We’re going to search the perimeter and make sure there are no soldiers left, then check in town to see what we can find out about the men she sent. I’ll leave Lazlo to guard the house, but I’ll be back before dawn.”
Back before dawn meant that she had six hours.
Six hours to get away. Six hours to message her mother. Six hours to find some place to hide from Oleg. Hide from the magnetic force of his presence, which would break down every boundary she’d erected and roll over Tatyana until she had no idea who she was.
Shecould notstay.
Tatyana sat up, swung her legs over the edge of the bed, and started to move.
She could drive one of the old trucks in the garage. They were manual transmission, but that was good, right? Less chance of breaking down. She’d learned to drive on a manual transmission on her grandparents’ farm.