Page 76 of Blood Mosaic
The music stayed at an easy level because vampire hearing was so sensitive, and the lights were kept low. The club wasn’t too crowded, but it was only nine o’clock. The real action would start around midnight when immortal business was done for the week and the vampires showed up.
Over the past month, Tatyana had slowly learned to recognize the creatures of the night that moved in her orbit. Most of them had far less presence than Oleg, but there was a way they walked and moved that was different from humans. They moved deliberately. They were watchful, and their senses were keen.
If there was any animal that vampires reminded her of, it was a lion. A lazy predator by all accounts, with little movement untilit was ready to burst into speed. Most vampires held that quality in her eyes. They were watchful and waiting, ready to break their human shells as soon as it became necessary.
Not that it was ever necessary at the Admiral. Even when things got tense at a table, violence never broke out.
Tatyana had quit early that Friday and was trying to get her mind off work when her mother texted. She’d located the third of five accounts she and Elene had identified from Zara’s files that afternoon. With Grimace’s help, Tatyana had been able to access two of them in the past month, and Elene had emptied around ten million from Zara’s coffers.
She picked up her phone and texted her mother again.
I’m making good progress.
And you’re safe?
So safe that life is very boring right now.
“Who are you texting?”
Tatyana spun around and blinked when she saw who had spoken. Her boss was back in Odesa and wearing a scowl.
“Oleg.” Tatyana tried to keep her face blank, but her heart leaped and her body immediately reacted to his presence.
And Oleg knew it. His scowl died away, and the corner of his mouth turned up. “Tanya.”
He was wearing a moss-green sweater that gave his grey eyes a hint of green. His hands hung loosely in the pockets of a pair of grey trousers, and as soon as she turned toward him, she caught the smoky cedar scent that had haunted her dreams for weeks.
“Only my mother calls me Tanya.” She didn’t like Oleg doing it. “Find another nickname.”
He held out a hand. “Join me at my table. They’re setting it right now.”
She glanced at the bartender. “I’m just going to finish my drink and?—”
“I don’t sit at the bar.” He snapped his fingers. “Come.”
Since Oleg was the one paying for her wine, her room and board, and the millions of dollars that she was going to earn by finding Zara’s accounts, sitting with him for a drink wasn’t too big an ask.
She quickly typed.
Mom, my boss is back. I will text later.
Be careful.
Tatyana slid off the barstool and grabbed her wine. Oleg snapped his fingers at a server and one hurried over to take Tatyana’s wine from her hand to carry it to the table.
Tatyana sighed. “I can carry my own wine.”
“Not when you’re with me.”
“I see that you’re just as demanding as you were a month ago.”
“Why would I change?”
He put his fingers at the small of her back, guiding her through the crowded tables in the club, and it was all Tatyana could do not to shiver at his touch. The hair on her arms and neck was already standing up.
Her dreams of him had been relentless over the past four weeks, and he’d called her three times. Two of those times, she’d picked up the phone.
“You didn’t answer my call last week.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Where were you?”