Page 87 of Blood Mosaic
Mika narrowed his eyes as if trying to decide if she was worthy of the information. “You don’t know much about history, do you?”
“I was a mathematics person.”
“A boyar was… is a title. The English would probably call it a duke or something like that. But we are the leaders of Oleg’s druzhina.”
She opened her mouth, but Mika kept speaking.
“And the druzhina is something like Oleg’s immortal army. Some carry blood relation to him. Brothers. Children. But most are simply very old, very loyal vampires who would follow Oleg into battle should he need us to do so.”
“Aren’t modern vampire battles fought through business?”
The corner of his mouth turned up. “Not always. And Oleg controls a great amount of territory. He keeps it together through his boyars.”
“Like you?”
“I am personally attached to him, but my own territory is nearer to Tartu in Estonia. Others oversee it in my absence.”
Tatyana was getting a better picture of this complicated world. “Is this vampire really the oldest vampire in the world?”
Mika was looking over her shoulder when he answered. “Maybe.”
“And does she have territories?” Tatyana glanced at Oksana by the door. “Does she have boyars of her own?”
He smiled. “I suppose she does. At one point this vampire and three others ruled most of Europe, Central Asia, and Africa. It was the age of vampire emperors, before humans became more advanced.”
“What happened? Why aren’t they still the emperors?”
Mika shrugged. “Maybe they became bored.”
“Bored?” Tatyana almost laughed. “Of being emperors?”
“Being a leader is a lot of work.” Mika glanced at Oleg, who was still sipping his tea and trying to look inconspicuous. “Particularly when you’re trying to rule vampires, who all think they’re minor gods.”
“Actually, you’re right. That sounds horrible.”
Mika smiled a little bit. “I think I don’t hate you.”
Tatyana picked up her tea, which had gone cold. “What a glowing compliment.”
“You’re welcome.”
Tatyana looked over at Oleg, who was still alone. “I would assume there are no vampire history books with her face in them.” Tatyana glanced at the bar, noticed the waitress sashaying away from Oleg’s table, then turned back to the door. “How will you know it’s her?”
“From what I have heard, there will be no question.” Mika glanced at her, then back over her shoulder at Oksana. “She is rumored to be very… other.”
“You blend in with humans well,” she said. “If I didn’t know about vampires, I’d never guess you were anything but a banker or something.”
He cracked a hint of a smile. “See? You can give glowing compliments too.”
“Isn’t blending in the goal?”
Mika stared at her. “You’re quite clever, aren’t you?”
“That’s why Zara hired me.”
“That’s why Oleg hired you too.”
“Let’s hope Oleg is smarter than Zara.”