Page 39 of No Bones About It
Garrett squeezed her hand. “He is, but he also understands. He knows you’ll do anything to help abused animals.”
She sighed and rose to pace the room. “I don’t like that I made him feel like I don’t trust him.”
He nodded. “He’ll get over it.”
She turned to him. “He’s pissed at you by proxy.”
Garrett grinned. “He’ll get over that too.”
“I hope so.”
Marcus walked back in. “Do you have a computer we can use to do a video call?”
She nodded but didn’t move to it. “Before I hook that up, I want to apologize. Not for going after information about the dogs because I’m not sorry about that. But I’m sorry for not taking a risk and telling you. You don’t have jurisdiction over there, and I didn’t want anyone to get into trouble helping me. I planned to do the initial reconnaissance myself, and bring you in as soon as I had enough. I want you to know I do trust you. More than almost anyone. You’re a man of integrity and I didn’t want to put you in a difficult spot. I was wrong.”
Marcus stared her down but Kimi didn’t so much as blink.
Garrett could feel the tension slowly dissipate at Kimi’s words.
Finally, Marcus nodded. “Noted. Apology accepted. As long as I get your word that you won’t do something that stupid alone again.”
Kimi’s smile showed relief. “Thank you. And you’ve got my word.”
Garrett carried Olaf with him as they moved behind Kimi’s desk, where they could all be on screen at the same time.
In a few minutes, Marcus had them hooked up with a split screen.
The woman on the left nodded. “Hi, Marcus. Thanks for setting this up so quickly. I’m Shanice Williams, lead agent for the FBI New Hampshire office. This is Shirisha Abalos, lead agent for the organized crime division in the FBI’s Boston office.”
After introductions, Marcus gestured for Kimi to tell her story.
Without so much as a hesitation, Kimi went through her forays into New Hampshire. She gave as much information as she could regarding the layout of the land and the best ways to approach.
Her voice shook as she gave her best guess as to locations for the fighting rings and training cages. Olaf yipped, and Kimi turned to him with a smile.
She rubbed his head, and the pit bull licked her hand. “I found Olaf here half in a ditch on my first trip. He was unconscious on the side of the road. The poor guy had multiple bite marks from fights and a broken foreleg. I can’t prove he was one of their fighting dogs, but I suspect he was. I’m guessing he broke his leg in a training session andwas tossed out of the compound. He’s one of the lucky ones, as I also suspect they often kill injured dogs rather than try to help them.”
The eyes of both women on screen hardened at her words. Olaf turned and licked Garrett’s chin as well, then settled down with his head on his paws.
“You took a lot of chances.” Shirisha frowned through the screen.
“I did. The dogs need to be rescued.”
Shanice’s eyes showed a touch of humor. “We get that you’re committed to helping the dogs, and we thank you for the information.”
Shirisha nodded with no humor. “But we expect you to immediately cease your investigations. We have a file on John Mead and are actively working to shut down his operation.”
When Kimi tried to ask questions, the women shut her down.
The Boston agent spoke. “Your part in this investigation is over. You’ve crossed a few lines but we’re willing to ignore that. Unless it happens again. Keep your nose clean and leave the investigation to us.”
Kimi rolled her lips together, and Garrett could feel her tension but she finally nodded. “I’d like to help with the dogs when you shut down the ring. I can help with assessments and injuries. If any of the dogs need a place to stay, they’re welcome here. I’ve worked with wild and injured animals many times. Those animals are innocent and deserve to have happy lives. I’d like to be a part of making that happen.”
Shirisha nodded again, this time with a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for your information and your offer. I have another call and need to go. Goodbye.”
That left Shanice on the screen. She smiled at the three of them. “That went better than I expected. Shirisha is tough but she’s fair. We appreciate your information, Kimi. Thanks for calling us in, Marcus.”
After they signed off, Kimi’s shoulders slumped. Marcus’s, too.