Page 107 of Out of the Cold
Eventually the pain killers kicked in, dulling the pain enough that his stride lengthened somewhat. Another half mile more and the pain had eased enough to speak.
“What made you go looking for me?” he asked.
“I saw you leave, but I didn’t see you come back. When I went to your cabin, the fire was nearly out and all your overnight camping gear was still there. But I still worried I was getting it all wrong.”
He pictured her in his cabin, putting together the clues, realizing that he could be out here, but not knowing for sure. Despite her doubt and her terror, she’d gathered supplies and headed into the woods at night.
For him.
“It seemed a lot scarier on the way out than it does now,” she continued. “I didn’t know if I’d find you, or if you were already back at the cabin. And then I ran into the mountain lion. But Hilde led me right to you. She was amazing.”
He smiled down at the dog. “She certainly was.”
At last they saw the lights of her cabin through the trees. It seemed like ages since he’d seen it, though in reality he’d only been gone six hours.
His world had turned upside down in that time—or rather, right side up. They walked out of the woods together, toward home.
Lucy stepped out ontothe deck and made her way to the other side of the partition. Gabriel was already in the tub, because of course he had to go and lift the lid off even though he could barely move an hour ago.
She took off her robe and laid it over a chair. “No fair, you get to see all of me, and I barely see any of you.”
“You’ll be seeing as much of me as you like,” he said, his eyes warm.
She lowered herself in across from him, stretching luxuriantly. “God, that’s wonderful.”
“I know. I’m beginning to feel human again.”
It was hard to believe that not long ago she was scared for both her life and Gabriel’s, and now here they were. The water embraced her, made her aware of every inch of skin. The sky overhead pulsed with starlight, her body weightless in its reflection.
His voice floated over to her. “I realized when I was out there how angry I was at Ricky.” His hand cupped her foot and rested it on his knee, his strong fingers massaging her instep. “I never let myself feel that, and I directed it at you the day you came back late.”
“I’ll never do that again without calling.” She hesitated, reluctant to ruin the tranquility, but she couldn’t keep silent. “But I love my treks into the backcountry. I love that I can do it without being scared, or letting my fear overtake me, even if I am a little scared. I’m finally free of all the things that held me back.”
“You were right to hold your ground.” He set her foot gently back into the water and picked up the other one. “You’re strong and resourceful, and I loved that about you even before you faced down a mountain lion.”
She smiled. “I really did that.”
“You did. My very own lioness.” He took her hand then, reeling her in until she collided gently with him, her breasts pressed against his hard chest. He smoothed her hair back from her face.
“What happens next?” she asked.
“That’s up to you. I’ll move to San Francisco if you want.”
“But isn’t your business in Sacramento?”
“I’d make it work.”
“I only got an apartment in San Francisco because it was easier than starting over somewhere new. I’d love to move to Sacramento with you.”
“But you must have paid rent and a deposit already.”
“Gabriel, do you think I care about that right now?”
His eyes crinkled with his smile. “So we’re clear, I’m desperately in love with you, which means I want to live with you. But I understand if you want your own place.”
She was having a hard time thinking straight. She smoothed her hands along his muscled chest and arms. She’d gone far too long without touching him.