Page 31 of Steal My Heart
Hilliard finished stacking the dishes in the sink. “I had planned on taking you out for a nice dinner and then back here to watch a movie. I thought we could ignore whatever we were watching and make out like teenagers, but things have changed.”He rinsed the dishes a bit before turning off the water. “I need to get some things.” Hilliard approached Brian and stood behind his chair, slipping his arms over his shoulders, then running his hands down his chest. “Go on upstairs and get undressed, then lie down on my bed. I’ll be up in just a few minutes.” He kissed the top of Brian’s head.
Brian hesitated and then stood to walk into the front room and up the stairs, his shoulders carrying so much tension that Hilliard was afraid Brian’s muscles might explode. He went into the downstairs bathroom and rummaged in a box he’d stashed under the sink. He’d meant to unpack it but had just left it there and… yes… just what he was looking for.
Hilliard grabbed what he needed. He checked that the doors were locked and headed upstairs, turning out the lights as he went. When he approached his bedroom, he stepped in and stopped. Brian lay on his belly, naked, the sight stopping Hilliard for a few seconds. The man was stunning, wide shoulders tapering to a narrow waist, and an ass that could crack walnuts. Hilliard swallowed hard before setting the bottle beside the bed and then slipping out of his clothes.
Slowly, he climbed onto the bed, grabbed the small bottle of lightly scented oil, rubbed some in his hands, and touched Brian’s shoulders before beginning a slow, gentle massage.
Brian’s skin was smooth and hot under his hands as he ran them over his back, the oil slicking the way. “Is this helping?” he asked, and received a deep, long groan before settling his weight across Brian’s legs. He continued stroking slowly, shifting his weight with each long movement, up over his shoulders, down his back, and then up across his firm bubble butt. He didn’t make any sort of sexual advance. This time right now was just to try to help Brian let go of some of his tension. The rest could wait for a while.
“Where did you learn to do this?” Brian asked, his voice deep and rumbly.
“My undergrad roommate was working on physical therapy, and he needed to practice. So I was a willing subject on a lot of evenings when the tension became almost unbearable.” He ran his hands along Brian’s sides and down to the tops of his legs before continuing upward once more. This time he concentrated on his shoulders, keeping his touch light. He wasn’t qualified for deep tissue massage, and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Brian. But he knew there was something almost magical in someone else’s touch. “Is that helping?”
“Yeah,” Brian whispered as Hilliard felt some of the anxiety slip away. Brian didn’t move, his breathing becoming deeper and more regular. That was a good sign. Hilliard didn’t need him to talk, just lie there and let Hilliard try to help him.
“Then just relax.”
“I’m trying, but not all of me is cooperating.”
Hilliard smiled. “Just ignore that part, close your eyes, and breathe deeply.” He continued his slow massage before scooting down and having Brian roll over. “I see. That’s pretty unignorable.” Hilliard left Brian’s cock alone and worked on his chest and arms. “All you need to do is breathe.” He knew he was reminding him over and over, but with each exhalation, Brian grew more and more pliant. “That’s it.” He continued downward, massaging Brian’s legs and feet until he closed his eyes. All tension seemed to have left him, which was exactly what Hilliard was trying for. There was only so much anxiety a person could take, and letting go of it was often hard.
“Is that it?” Brian asked, half mumbling, like he was partially asleep.
“Yes. Just relax. There’s nothing you need to worry about.”
Brian opened his eyes. “There’s plenty to worry about, but not tonight.”
Hilliard leaned closer. “Remember that you aren’t alone. Not like last time. There are people who believe in you and who will ensure that the truth comes out. But for now, that can all wait.” He lay down next to him. “Keep your eyes closed and breathe as deeply as you can. There is nothing to worry about here. There’s only me and you.” He kissed him gently, letting Brian know that it was that simple.
“Okay,” he breathed, and kept his eyes closed. Hilliard lay still, his head on Brian’s chest, and listened to the beat of his heart.
HILLIARD YAWNEDand slipped under the covers as the air chilled around them.
“Do you always keep the window open?” Brian asked.
“Uh-huh,” Hilliard hummed. “This time of year it is stiflingly hot in Cleveland, sometimes near a hundred degrees. I like the fact that the evenings are cool here and that I can sleep at night.” He pulled the covers up over both of them. “I don’t need air-conditioning.”
“I know. It’s the height of summer, and ten miles inland it’s in the nineties right now. But here it’s cool.” He snuggled closer, and Hilliard wrapped his arms around Brian, drawing him in. Their lips met in the darkness, and the sea air blowing in through the window couldn’t stop the building heat between them. “You feel so good.”
Hilliard ran his hands down Brian’s strong back and over his ass, cupping his cheeks, pressing the two of them together. “This day was so different from what I expected.”
“I’m sorry,” Brian whispered.
“Don’t be. I wanted to take you to dinner and then bring you back here. Have a nice evening and then bring you up here to bed. Things took a different turn, but I’m right here with you, where I want to be.” He smiled, even though it was dark. “Wejust had a slight bump in the road.” He rolled Brian back on the bed and pressed him into the mattress.
“Yeah, but what happens when the bump turns into a pothole big enough to lose a car in?” Brian sighed. “It’s happened before.”
“I know.” Hilliard kissed him and then held Brian as he rolled onto his side. It didn’t seem like things were going to work out the way he thought, and that was fine. A lot had happened, and maybe sex right now wasn’t the best idea. Being together and supporting Brian, that was what mattered at the moment. “Try to go to sleep and we’ll deal with everything in the morning.” He hoped both of them got some rest.
A KNOCKINGwoke him at… Hilliard glanced at the clock next to the bed. He pushed back the covers and got out as the sound came again. He climbed out of bed, pulled on his robe, and went downstairs to find Grant and another uniformed officer standing on his porch. “What’s going on?”
“We had the silver tested, and we found Brian’s fingerprints on it.”
Hilliard shrugged. “So what?” He leaned against the doorframe. “You’ve seen the video, and that means that Brian didn’t actually commit the burglary.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “So I’ll ask again, why are you here?”
“To make an arrest, of course,” one of the officers said from behind Grant. Babycakes looked like he was barely old enough to shave.
Hilliard shook his head. “You can’t. Brian was arrested and convicted of a burglary he didn’t commit. He also did his time.” He grinned as he glared at the officer. “Double jeopardy. You can’t arrest and convict him for that same crime twice. That doesn’t work.” He turned back to Grant. “So why are you reallyhere? I know you aren’t that stupid.” He left the implication hanging as he glanced at the other officer.