Page 33 of Steal My Heart
Hilliard drew Brian close, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“Do you have any idea how much you’ve changed my life? I was trying to figure out how I was going to make anything happen. Now things are really turning around.”
“That’s good. But we need to put this entire issue to bed, though that is going to have to wait a few days. I need to get some of my own work done so I can pass this exam and gain admittance to the bar.” Hilliard felt a yawn trying to emerge and did his best to stifle it, resting his head against Brian’s flat belly instead. “I know you should head home so you can change andget ready for work. I need to shower and then get my books so I can prepare. But how about we meet this weekend and maybe we can pay a few visits? There are people we need to talk to and take the measure of.”
“Do you think Violet might help us?” Brian asked. “We’re going to need it if we’re to talk to the people I’m thinking of.”
“We can try. But I have a few ideas of my own.” He closed his eyes, loving the feel of Brian against him. “We’ll have to think on it a little.” He sighed. “Will you come back after work?”
“Once I check on Gran and make sure she has dinner and stuff….” Brian seemed happy, and Hilliard found he was the same. But he had no illusions that there weren’t going to be plenty of bumps in the road still to come.
Chapter 12
“ARE YOUsure you’re okay? I know I’ve been gone quite a bit, and I don’t want you to think I’m abandoning you.”
“I’m fine. I have my shows to watch. Besides, I’m happy you’re seeing someone and getting out of the house. You need a life of your own.”
“I know. But I don’t want you to spend all your time sitting in your chair with nothing to do.”
She waved at him. “I’m fine. The night is clear, and it’s going to be pretty. I may sit outside and look at the stars. I don’t get to do that very often. The dogs will be here after you walk them, and if there’s anything I need, I always have the telephone. Now go on and have yourself a nice evening.” Gran turned back to the television, but Brian stayed where he was. “Is something wrong?”
“I don’t know. Hill says that he’s going to take the state bar exam so he can practice here, but he still hasn’t said if he’s staying.” He sat down across from her. “Am I being really dumb? He could be leaving in a little while. It isn’t like he has anything to keep him here, and he could practice law back home. I’m starting to wonder if I’ve already let myself get in too deep and I’m going to end up shattered if he doesn’t decide to stay.”
Gran set down her cup on the table next to her. “But what if he does? You like him, and you two get along. What if he passes the exam and decides to open a practice out of the house? He could do that. The town could use a lawyer here. Usually we have to go to Ukiah or Fort Bragg for anything like that.”
“I know. But….” He was suddenly so unsure. “I mean… am I being stupid for not being more careful?”
Gran chuckled softly. “Do you know what happens to men who are careful when it comes to love? We have a word for them: bachelors. They may meet the right person, but by the time they decide and make their move, it’s too late. I don’t want you to be too late.” She leaned forward. “I can also tell you that hearts heal and people move on. The ones filled with regret are those who didn’t take the chance at all.” She patted his hand. “Go on and have yourself a fun night. Don’t worry about the doubt and stuff. Just let yourself be happy. You deserve it.” She smiled and released his hand. Brian thanked her and left the house, taking the dogs with him, walking down the street and over toward Hilliard’s.
THE DOGSpulled harder as he got closer, their excitement growing. They knew Hilliard was a soft touch for treats. Brian knocked on the door. All the lights were on, so he opened it and peered inside, calling.
“Come on in,” he called.
“I hope it’s okay. I needed to take the dogs for a walk. They haven’t been out of the house much and—” He continued through the living room but stopped when he saw a strange man with an arm thrown over Hilliard’s shoulder. “I’m sorry….” He had no idea who this guy was. Maybe he should just leave.
“Of course the dogs are welcome.” Hilliard moved away and knelt down. Poppy and Gigi hurried over to get their pets and of course a bit of dog treat. “Hey, girls, are you being good for Beverly?” he crooned gently, and they swarmed over each other to give him kisses, generally in doggie heaven. Eventually Hilliard straightened up. “Brian, this is Al. He and I went to college together. Not to be confused with Alan. This guy isn’t acompleteasshole.”
“Gee, thanks.” Al smirked.
“How long are you staying?” Hilliard hadn’t mentioned anything about having guests.
“I had a meeting in San Francisco with clients for a few days, and they got done early. So I figured I’d look up Hill here and see what he was up to. I had no idea the place you inherited was hours away from civilization. My God, it took forever to get here. There were times when I figured the guys fromDeliverancewere going to jump out of the trees at any moment.” He grinned as though he had made a joke. Brian didn’t get it. “I got a room at the Hill House for the night, and I’ll drive back to the city tomorrow.”
“Seems like a long way to say hello,” Brian said softly. He didn’t know why he was so suspicious. Maybe it was the way Al watched him with big dark eyes. The guy reminded Brian of a shark.
“Not really. I heard Hill inherited this house and figured that by now he had to be going stir-crazy.” He sipped from a glass of white wine. Brian was starting to wonder if he should go, except he didn’t trust this guy for a second and didn’t want Hilliard alone with him. This was a smooth talker who was used to getting whatever he wanted. Brian had met people like him in jail—guys who seemed all smiley, but behind your back, they would steal anything they could get their hands on.
“Like you said, it’s a long way to go.” Brian accepted a beer and thanked Hilliard. The dogs patrolled the kitchen, probably to see if there were any wayward snacks, before heading to the living room.
“You make it sound like I’m in the middle of nowhere,” Hilliard said. “Did you get a look at the view as you drove up? It’s gorgeous here, and though it’s a ways from the city, this town has everything I need.” Hilliard met Brian’s gaze with a slight wink. “Go on into the living room and I’ll be right in.”
Brian went in to find the dogs on the sofa, watching him. He sat down, and Gigi lay down to his right with Poppy on his left. They watched Al but made no effort to get his attention.
“How long have you lived here?” Al asked.
“Most of my life. I have my own business and help care for my grandmother,” Brian answered. “What do you do?”