Page 28 of Worth Every Penny
When Kate sees me, her face flashes with anger. “Were you not listening—”
“I was talking to Charlie.” My voice is edged like a knife as I deliberately glare at the Tupperware box on her desk. “My plans fell through, so I’m taking him to lunch.”
“Oh, brilliant.” Charlie raises his voice so no one in the vicinity could fail to notice the preferential treatment he’s getting. Now that’s the type of response I’m used to. It’s the most animated I’ve seen him.
Kate sits down, a tight smile on her face, and clicks open her Tupperware box. I can’t fucking believe it. She’s so brazen. I’m standingrighthere,and she’s not even pretending to have plans.
She removes the lid, exposing the contents. Some kind of brown mulch with limp green leaves mixed through it.Revolting.
She gathers a forkful and slides it between lips parted so wide they could take my cock. She chews, then swallows, and her throat bobs exaggeratedly with the motion.
She might not be looking my way, but I’d wager my entire fortune on the fact that her awareness is fixed on me. Her tongue, her lips, her over-exaggerated swallow; it’s all a performance for my benefit.
Anger simmers in my blood. She’s taunting me with the contents of that plastic piece of shit like it’s a lover.
Or am I so far gone for the woman already that I’m seeing sexual suggestion where there is none?
Images of Kate on her knees, taking my cock down her throat, invade my mind as heat lasers through my chest.
So much for clearing the air. There’s a storm waiting to break, and there’s only one way I want it to happen: with Kate Lansen wearing a lot fewer clothes than she is right now.
But first I’m going to burn that plastic box until it’s a melted heap of toxic waste.
I run a finger inside my collar, which suddenly feels far too tight. Kate catches me, turning those big, honey-brown eyes up to look at me.
“Something wrong?” she asks.
I gnash my molars and let my eyes shut briefly. “No.”
“Good.” She fills another forkful with food, her tongue curling out to wrap around the tines as she slowly takes the whole thing into her mouth. She hums a sensualmmm-deliciousnoise and looks up at me, her eyes wide.
Fuck this. I’m not imagining it. She’s practically orgasming over her Tupperware, and the sound has my cock hardening. A powerful flash of rage burns through me.
Ignoring me entirely, she pushes the Tupperware aside to type out a response to an email.
The repulsive mixture stares up at me, the Tupperware hanging off the edge of her desk, and all I want to do is launch the whole fucking thing across the office.
I need to get out of here. I can hardly see straight. Putting my hand on Charlie’s shoulder, I guide him towards the lift, but my irritation hasn’t subsided as I pass Kate’s desk. My hip knocks against the corner of the Tupperware, toppling the whole thing into the bin. It lands with athunkin a perfect drop shot.
I’m not even fucking sorry.
Kate gasps, and Charlie stares into the bin. “Geez, Uncle Nico—”
I elbow him in the ribs, cutting him off, but people are already staring.
Kate glares at me, her cheeks flaring. “My lunch—”
“How unfortunate.” My voice is devoid of emotion. “I know that was an important meal.” I take my wallet from my pocket, flip it open, and pull out a fifty, which I deposit on Kate’s desk. “Buy yourself something else.”
Charlie’s eyes are saucers as I usher him away from Kate before she can start yelling again.
I can’t come back down here. I do not need this sort of distraction in my life. No matter how thrilling Kate’s presence might be, the sixth floor is going to have to become my personal no-fly zone. Kate Lansen is off limits, and I need to do some fucking work.
My phone buzzes and a text message from Elly pings in.