Page 49 of Worth Every Penny
I cross my arms. “Well, I think you hit Michael Drayton because you didn’t want him to kiss me. And you know what,Nico? You don’t own me. You don’t get to decide who I hook up with.”
“I know that.”
“So why then? Because I think you didn’t want to have to watch while I hooked up with someone else. Someone who wasn’t you. Am I right?”
His entire face hardens as he stares at the road, lending a dangerous—sexy—edge to his handsome profile.
I want him to say yes. My entire body wants him to say yes.
He takes a moment to answer, making me wonder if he’s thinking up an excuse. “No. You’re not right. I hit him because you were drunk and he was sober and he fucking knew it too. He was taking advantage. I couldn’t stand by and let that happen.”
“I had it under control,” I argue, even though it’s a bare-faced lie. Control was so far out of my reach last night that I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing.
“So shitty drunk sex with a movie star you’ve never met before was what you wanted last night? That was the aim? The goal?” Nico’s voice is calm, his delivery casual, but his words are carefully launched grenades and even though I know what he’s doing, I explode, right on cue.
“Fuck you, Nico. Like you’ve never had casual sex with someone famous. Who the hell do you think you are? Some kind of vigilante white knight who saves women from making mistakes when they’ve had one too many tequila shots? Because if that’s the case, turn the car around right now and go back to London because there are thousands of women who are gonna need your help tonight.”
The car shoots forward with shocking speed as he shifts lanes, and I’m jerked back in my seat.
Fuck.I’ve really roused the beast now.
A displeased rumble sounds in Nico’s throat. “What’s with the aggression, Kate?”
For a split second, I don’t know the answer. Then it roars to life and I can’t help but give it voice. “I’m never going to forgive you for what you did to Dad. To Lansen. You can show up at Mum’s and play the dutiful godson, or whatever the hell this is, but it will never be the same. When you killed that deal, you killed him, too.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Then explain it to me.”
His nostrils flare as he inhales, like he’s battling for control.
“You can’t, can you?” I argue. “You’re a ruthless businessman who only cares about your bottom line.”
He slams the heel of his hand on the wheel with a bang that makes me jump. “Of course, I care about the bottom line!”
I gasp, bite my lip, and shrink into my seat. I’ve never heard him raise his voice before.
“But it’s not just about me,” he continues. “It’s about my family. The company. The shareholders, the board of directors. The thousands of people we employ all over the world. Of course, I fucking care about my business. That deal no longer made sense. Now it does.”
Nico’s phone rings through the speaker system, slicing through the tension. Seb’s name flashes up. Nico curses under his breath and answers, but before he can say a word, Seb’s voice blasts out.
“You broke Michael Drayton’s nose. His lawyer’s been on the phone. They’ll have to delay filming—”
“Make it go away,” Nico barks. “I don’t give a shit what it costs.”
Seb tuts. “There are photos. Of you. Michael. Kate.”
“Fuck,” Nico curses under his breath. “Get Elliot on it.”
“I already called him. He fixed it this morning. They’re gone.”
“Why are you calling me then?”
“To remind you that you’re a fucking idiot. Have a great weekend.”
The line goes dead.
Nico looks so furious that for a while I don’t dare speak. Then, because I’m far too nosy to hold my tongue, I ask, “Who’s Elliot?”