Page 9 of Worth Every Penny
Nico hasn’t raised his glass either. His eyes dart to Jack, an accusatory glint in them. “You didn’t tell her,” he says.
“Tell me what?” I ask, confused.
The light in Jack’s eyes dies. “Well, fuck,” he mutters.
I look between the two of them. “What’s going on? Can one of you spit it out, please?”
Nico makes a throaty noise, which could be a laugh, could be a groan. Whatever it is, he’s deferring this one to Jack.
Jack takes a great, heaving inhalation, then blows the words out like a confession. “I’ve had an offer for the company.”
Air stalls in my lungs.An offer?To sell the company?What the hell? I haven’t been working my arse off at Dad’s company for the last five years so we can sell it. I put my champagne glass back on the bar, straining to keep my voice level when I say, “I wasn’t aware you were thinking of selling.”
A flicker of uncertainty darts across Jack’s face. “I should have told you, but I wanted to sort through the details first. The offer’s a good one. Really fucking good.”
A vicious heat burns in my chest. I can’t believe he’s making a decision like this without consulting me. I try to hide my shock, but I’m sure Jack can see it. He sips his drink, eyes wary as he waits for me to recover.
I dare a glance at Nico, whose gaze is flicking between me and Jack, and my skin prickles, my intuition giving me a warning.Please, no.
Focusing on my brother, I ask, “Who’s the buyer?”
“I am,” Nico says.
My stomach drops.
No. Itplummets.
I swing to face Nico, forgetting about Jack entirely, and hold my palm up. “Oh no. Not fucking you. We are not selling Dad’s company to you.”
“Kate, please,” Jack reprimands, but I ignore him. He should’ve known I would never go for this.
Nico, whose composure has barely faltered in the face of my outburst, bows his head. “I’ll let the two of you discuss this in private.” He takes a step back. It’s such a dignified response compared to mine that a hot rush of shame blasts through me.
Jack reaches out to him. “No, Nico. Stay.”
Nico shakes his head, mahogany hair flopping over his forehead. “Talk this out. Then come back to me.”
Jack opens his mouth to speak, but Nico’s already turning away. I don’t know where he’s going, and right now I don’t care.
Jack puts his champagne next to mine on the bar. “That was… fuck, Kate.” He clenches a fist and lets out a frustrated groan. “That was rude. I know you’re angry, but—”
“You cannot sell Lansen to Nico.” My jaw is so tight the words scrape out.
Jack stands taller. “I bloody can. No one else is going to give us an offer like this. And Nico’s practically family.”
“He’s not my family,” I fire back. “He’llneverbe my family.”
Jack sighs. “Don’t you even want to know how much he’s laid on the table?”
“No!” I slam my hand on the bar.
The waitress’ eyes widen and she shoots a hand out to steady the nearby champagne glasses. At the same moment, Jack rears back, hands raised like I’m pointing a gun at his chest.
“Woah. I didn’t do this to upset you. I hope you know that. I’ve been running this company for nearly a decade. I know what I’m doing. And selling it to Nico makes sense.”
I slide my hand off the bar. My palm stings like a bitch, but I pretend it doesn’t.
“I don’t know how you can even contemplate this.” I’m trying to keep my voice calm, but my words have a hoarse, raw edge. “Nico had his chance to buy the company and he fucked it up—”