Page 46 of Worth Every Game
Aweek passes before I put the next stage of my plan into action. When I get back from my Friday afternoon shift at the Marchmont, I have a quick supper and go up to my room. I’ve paid attention to Jack’s schedule, and I know for a fact he gets home earlier on Fridays.
I do my makeup heavier than normal, and then get dressed in the outfit I bought from the Soho shop. I buckle into the platform heels. Shit, they’re high. I haven’t worn shoes like this for years, but walking in them comes back to me quickly, like riding a bike.
I prance in front of the mirror, and I’m suddenly filled with a sense of excitement. I haven’t dressed up like this for a man since I worked at the strip club, and it feels a lot like reclaiming something I’ve lost.When did I give up on all this stuff?I never took all my clothes off back then, but near enough, and I know a thing or two about using my body to drive men wild. And I look crazy hot in this outfit, even if I do say so myself.
Jack is going to lose his mind.
I head downstairs, lingering at the front door. Right on time, I hear the beep of his car in the drive as he locks it.
I’m about to open the front door when I hear voices.
Shit. He’s not alone. I hadn’t planned for this. I run back to my room and throw a skirt and jumper over the corset and suspender belt. The outfit looks ridiculous paired with these enormous platform heels, but they make my legs look amazing, so I keep them on.
My heart is racing as I take the stairs down to the front door. I force myself to appear calm just as Jack unlocks it and steps inside with Seb and Matt Hawkston in tow.
Jack stares at me, blinking a few times like he’s got a floater in his vision.Is it the make-up that’s causing the double-take? Perhaps it’s the shoes. Either way, I’ve got his attention, and my skin starts to heat under his gaze.
“Hey. Elly, isn’t it?” Seb says, grinning at me and stepping in front of Jack, who has clearly lost his ability to form words.Did I do that?“We met at the racetrack. That’s some voice you have. You can really sing.”
“Thanks.” I smile, immediately feeling more at ease on account of the warmth in Seb’s greeting.
Matt, Nico’s other brother, stares between me and Jack as though he’s trying to run a calculation in his head and can’t make the numbers work. And no wonder, because Jack, who’s usually so together, appears to have been blindsided by my appearance.
“Good to see you again,” Matt says to me, gruff and low.
“What are you doing here?” Seb asks.
I explain that I’m living with Jack until my lease ends, which Seb accepts, although I don’t miss the querying glances he directs at Jack, who cocks his head slightly in response, as though none of this is his fault.
“Are you joining us for poker?” Seb asks me.
Jack hasn’t stopped staring, and his gaze is like a laser beam that’s stripping away my skin. I have no idea if he wants me to join them or not, but if I’m going to win this game, I need to be where Jack is.
“I’d love to.”
“You’d love to,” Jack repeats like his brain is only semi-engaged with the thought-to-word process. Then his full concentration appears behind his eyes and he says, “It’s high stakes. I don’t think you’ll be able to—”
Seb’s arm is suddenly around my shoulder, and the action completely cuts through whatever Jack is about to say.
“I’ll cover her stake.” Seb winks at me. “Let’s give Lansen a run for his money, shall we?”
Jack frowns, his brows drawing so low that he looks almost like he’s scowling. Is it because he doesn’t want me to join them, or because he doesn’t like the fact that Seb is touching me? I hope it’s the latter.
“Yes, please,” I say, smiling up at Seb.
Jack huffs. “Fine.” He nods his head in the direction of the dining room. “You two go and make yourselves comfortable,” he instructs the Hawkston brothers. “Elly and I will get drinks.”
As Matt and Seb walk away, I make my way to the kitchen, Jack pacing right behind me. There’s a strange tension in the air, and I wonder if Jack can feel it too. It’s as though we both knowsomethingis going to happen tonight.
Jack closes the door behind us, and a strange pressure squeezes in my heart. I turn to find him standing behind me, every inch the boss man in his suit and coat, and it occurs to me that if he were to give me an order right now, I’d obey in an instant.
His blue eyes are hard and scrutinizing as he takes me in, but his gaze drifts up and down my body, lingering over my legs. “You look different.” His tone reveals nothing.