Page 51 of Worth Every Game
“El, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours? Because what I’m hearing isn’t making sense.”
Anger fizzes right below my skin, but even so, part of me is leaping at the fact Jack Lansen called me pretty. The collision of both sensations renders me speechless.
Jack’s still peering at me, concern etched into the slant of his mouth and the tight corners of his eyes. “Is there something you want to know?” His voice is gentle and laden with concern. “Because it feels like you’re trying to ask me a question.”
Something stutters in my chest like a car being jump started. I want to latch onto his offer of kindness, but I can’t because if I do, I’ll break. “No. I don’t have anything to ask you. I don’t care how many people you’re sleeping with, because I won’t be one of them.”
He pins his lips together like he’s deciding to hold back the first thought that crosses his mind.Crap. He’s too smart not to see beyond my bitchy comeback. I’ve given myself away, caring so much about who this stupid, gorgeous, irritating man is sleeping with, but then I’ve already done that tonight in the most explicit way, so what does it matter?
Thankfully, Jack lets it slide. “Fair enough.” He sighs, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think he looked a little dejected. “That was one hell of a performance tonight. I’m impressed. Truly. I’d tip my hat to you if I had one.” He turns to head up the stairs, but then he pauses.
He runs a hand through his hair, brushing the thick dark locks of it off his face. Under his scrutinizing gaze, I feel ridiculous, dressed up like this, breathless and shameful, having orgasmed on his lap like nothing else in the world mattered, which at the time, it didn’t.
“Do you want to quit?” he whispers. “We can stop playing, if you want to. If this is too much, we can ditch the whole thing.” At his words, the urge to cry swells in my throat and burns behind my eyes again, and all I want is for him to put his arms around me. I thought this game would bring us closer, but right now it feels like all it has done is drive a wedge between us.It’s a mess.
I clench my teeth, biting down so hard on my molars I can feel the beginnings of a headache. “You could have put me up in one of your hotels. I never needed to move in with you.”
He runs a finger around the back of his collar, tugging at it. He looks a little unsure, but then his hand falls away, and when he speaks, there isn’t a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “I could have. Didn’t want to. I like you being here. As I said, you’re the best housemate I’ve ever had.”
I let his comment hang for a moment.He likes me being here. Despite my emotional turmoil, the thought makes me feel good. “Even though I’m messy?”
He smiles, but it’s a small, careful smile, as if he knows it might upset me and he doesn’t want to do that. “Becauseyou’re messy.” His eyes dart to the stain on his trousers for a second, and he adds, “You make the best fucking mess, El. I’d take it a million times over if it meant I’d get to spend time with you, even if you never let me touch you.” My heart does a curious somersault in my chest. How is it so easy for this man to manipulate my moods, guiding me through them like they’re nothing but a gentle breeze? “And if you don’t want to play anymore, then I don’t want to either.”
What happens if we don’t play? What happens to us then? Is there even an ‘us’ without the game?“We didn’t ever have to play. You could have…”asked me out. Taken me to dinner. Done something fucking normal.
He cocks a brow. “I could have what?”
I heave a breath, intending to share my thoughts, but every word lodges in my throat.Maybe he never wanted to do any of those things.“Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
He pins his bottom lip with his teeth, examining me as though he’s not entirely satisfied with what I’ve just said.“All right. If you’re sure.” An awkward beat passes. “So… are we still playing?”
The question sounds tentative, but his eyes blister with a heat that roasts me on the inside. A smug little smile tugs at his lips, like he knows I don’t have it in me to say no. To say I’m not playing. To deny him the pleasure of this game. To deny myself.
Say no. Say no.“Yes.”
He fists a hand, and for a second I think he’s going to pump the air and congratulate himself on the result he wanted. But instead he lifts it to his lips, concealing his smile before he says, “The climax of this game is going to be better than the one you just had. I guarantee it.”
Oh, my God.This man is a fucking nightmare. And yet I can’t resist, but I don’t want him to think he’s got me already.“It wasn’t just me. You got hard,” I bite back, nodding at his dick. “I can still see it.”
His eyes are shining with amusement, withlife, and it’s so endearing that even though I want to be annoyed at him, I’m failing. “Yup. The sexiest woman I’ve ever met just came on my lap. Of course I’m hard.”
And with that, he turns and walks up the stairs, leaving me gawking at his perfect muscled arse in his tailored suit trousers, annoyed that his words have my body gearing up for round two, and wishing I could follow him all the way into bed.
Winning this game is going to be harder than I thought, and tonight was a close call. If he’d said the right things in my ear, at exactly the right moment, he could have got me to admit that I want to fuck him. Want itbad. But he didn’t. I’m still in the game, and the money’s still there to play for.
But is it worth it?
Idon’t know what to make of Elly. We’ve always had this slightly antagonistic flirtatious relationship, but in spite of all my claims to the contrary, I never knew whether it was one that would definitely go anywhere until she orgasmed in my lap last night. Brought herself off right there on my crotch.
Fuck me, that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced, and it took an extraordinary force of will not to touch her. If she’d lasted a moment longer, I’d have come right there with her. I was pretty pleased I didn’t, to be honest, because it gives me the edge. The upper hand.I’m winning.
And yet, I don’t feel good about it. I’m not sure how I feel, especially given Elly’s reaction when it was all over. She was a fireball of frustration, on the verge of tears, yelling that she’d never sleep with me. If she’d said she wanted to quit, I’d have let her walk away, no questions asked. But she didn’t, and her refusal gives me hope that I’m still in with a chance.
Only when she finally gives in, sinking to her knees and begging me to satisfy the need that only I can satisfy, will I trulyfeel like I’ve won. But fuck me, I want that woman so much, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to hold back from doing it first.