Page 77 of Worth Every Game
“Am I allowed to say no?” She lets out a puff of outrage and swipes at me again, but I dodge the blow and pull her into my arms, kissing her hard, and she melts into me. I break off and whisper against her lips. “I want you any way you come. Always.”
“I know,” she breathes.
Outside the door to Nico’s flat, Elly grabs my hand and squeezes. “Last time I touch you tonight, I promise,” she says, letting go.
“I sincerely hope not. All I want is your hands all over me.”
She giggles, then frowns. “I thought you never noticed me.”
My heart clenches as memories ambush me… moments over the years when I noticed Elly, but refused to acknowledge how I felt because she was off-limits. My little sister’s friend. Now, they return, hard and fast, like images passing through an old-schoolprojector.Click, click, click-fucking-click. All those times she accompanied Kate to one of my parties, when her mere presence set off tiny energetic shocks through my body that I brushed off like lint from my sleeve. Or when she gifted me that stupid little statue of Priapus, complete with an erection that reached to his forehead, claiming it meant nothing, even though I was convinced it meantsomething. But even that memory I locked away, another occurrence I never allowed myself to examine too closely. Now, with the clarity of hindsight, I know that each one of those moments burrowed deep into my psyche, waiting to be recognised.I always liked her.Christ. What a revelation.
It’s fucking intense, but I blink to clear my head, making light of it as I say, “You? You’re impossible to ignore. Annoying as hell, but completely captivating.”You always have been.I lean in. “And now that I’ve had a taste, I’m addicted. I’m never giving you up.”
She smiles that little private smile, and at the same time the door swings open, and Mum is standing there in an evening dress that falls all the way to the floor. It’s black, sleek, and elegant. She’s draped in gold and diamonds, and her face is packed with makeup. Her eyelashes are so thick with mascara that they look rigid, like miniature train tracks. But even so, there’s no denying that Mum looks good. Impressively glamorous, by any standard.
“Jack,” she exclaims. She leans in to kiss me on both cheeks and I get a whiff of heavy patchouli perfume.
“You look wonderful, Mum.”
“I do, don’t I?” she says, which has been my mother’s response to comments on how good she looks for as long as I can remember.
She pulls away from me and looks down at Elly, who is at least five inches shorter. “Eleanor.” She glances between us. “Kate did tell me you two were living together. What a bizarrearrangement.” Mum frowns and rolls her eyes before pushing the door wide. “I suppose you’d better come in. Didn’t you get the memo about the dress code?”
Elly’s wearing a white lace dress paired with her cowboy boots and sheepskin coat, which is smart for Elly, but not up to Mum’s standards. Elly blushes, her brow creasing.
“Mum,” I reprimand, but Mum only rolls her eyes more elaborately. Elly scowls, and I nearly reach out for her hand but resist. It’s not worth my while having Mum suspect anything is going on. Not yet, anyway.
But I needn’t have worried about trying to reassure her, because Elly stands a little taller and meets Mum head-on. “Hi, Mrs Lansen. I wasn’t aware it was a fancy dress party. You make an excellent Morticia Addams. She’s very sexy, for a monster.”
I stifle a laugh, holding it in my throat. Mum gasps, and Elly flashes her an ‘Is there a problem?’ smile, and when Mum merely stares at her, she wanders into the party, telling us she’s going to find Kate. I have the strangest urge to run after her and give her a high-five. Not that I love her disrespecting my mother, but sometimes she fucking deserves it.
Mum links her arm through mine, and I escort her through the party. “That girl is so rude. I honestly don’t know why Kate is friends with her. It must be a nightmare living with her. I do feel for you, darling. Really, I do.”
“Turns out, she’s a wonderful housemate.” I lean closer to Mum, as if I’m about to impart a juicy piece of gossip. “I rather like her.”
Mum draws back and stares at me. “You’ve changed your tune. I distinctly remember you telling me how useless you thought she was, and how irritating you found her.”
I fist my free hand at my side, reminding myself to keep my mouth shut despite the desperate urge to count the fucking ways I’ve changed my mind and spill it all at Mum’s feet; howwonderful Elly is, how fucking glorious the sex is, how I like her more than I’ve ever liked anyone and how absolutely elated I am that she came to live with me in the first place. Mum hasno idea,and I intend to keep it that way.When I offer nothing further,she ushers me over to a group of women, all draped in high fashion and glistening with jewels like the window displays of Burlington Arcade.
Mum announces our arrival with the words,“You remember Lydia, don’t you?”
Lydia? What the hell is she doing here?
A full-body shudder threatens to overtake me as Lydia beams at me, before kissing me right on the lips.Jesus. I glance at Mum, who looks delighted by this.
“Jack, your mother is absolutely fabulous. Like Joanna Lumley.” Lydia gives me a huge false smile that has me clenching my teeth. “We’ve been spending some time together.”
They have?
I hold up a finger, and Lydia looks taken aback that I’m halting her flow. “I’m sorry. I need a moment to speak to my mother.” I pull Mum away from the group of women, who stare and then continue their huddled conversation. Mum, with an expression on her face as though she has absolutely no idea what I could possibly want to talk to her about, follows me.
When I’m out of earshot of the group, my voice is sharp when I ask, “What is Lydia doing here? I ended things with her. I was very clear about it.”Wasn’t I?
“Don’t pull that face,” Mum whispers. “I’ve been spending a little time with her, and she’s a delight. We’ve had tea at Fortnum's twice since we met at the racetrack. Did you know she knows the Weston family? They gave us complimentary champagne.” Mum gives a lovesick sigh that has me feeling bilious. “I can absolutely imagine her as my daughter-in-law.”
“That is fucking ridiculous,” I spit with vehemence.
Mum gasps. “Jack. I’m shocked.” She recovers instantly, suggesting she’s not onlynotshocked, but also not bothered by my reaction and may, in fact, have anticipated it. “You never came back to me on which of the women you preferred. I told you I’d arrange a date for tonight.”