Page 84 of Worth Every Game
I let out a groan, and in response Kate lets out a little gasp, one hand rising to cup her mouth. “You did. Oh, my God. How could you? She’s my best friend and I love her and if you are using her because it’s convenient, I swear I will—”
“I’m not. That’s not what this is. Fuck’s sake. Is your opinion of me that low?”
The silence that follows is so onerous I wonder if it could crush us. Kate’s eyes look watery, and my breathing turns shallow. “There’s no evidence to the contrary,” she admits, although she looks heartbroken to say it. “You’ve never been serious about anyone. I guess I didn’t think you could do it, and when I heard it was Elly this time, I panicked. I don’t want her to get hurt.”
An uncomfortable squeeze occurs in my chest. “Fuck, Kate.” The words come out low and deep, and I rub a hand down my face. Kate winces in response, as though she knows I’ve taken a hit.
We stare at one another, and I can’t get mad at her because, as much as I wish she wasn’t, she’s right. I’m not sure I thought I had it in me to have a serious relationship, or if I even wanted to, either. This thing with Elly, and how gloriously fucking happy it makes me, has come as a surprise.
Kate puts a hand to her forehead. “Can I get a glass of water? I feel like crap.”
I get a glass, fill it, and hand it to her. She gulps half of it before setting it down on the table. She leans her hand next to it, as though she might fall over without the support.
I wait a few moments in case Kate has anything else to say, but when she doesn’t speak, I do. “Did Mum say how she knew?” A nasty sensation ripples through me, bringing with it a certainty I don’t need to voice, but I do anyway. “It was Lydia, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah. She told Mum she caught you coming out of the bathroom. Said the two of you looked guilty as sin, and the noises...” Kate presses two fingers between her brows and shuts her eyes, while I cringe because it makes me sound like a teenager who can’t keep his dick in his pants. She clears her throat, making eye contact when she continues. “Lydia was very upset about it. She really likes you. And Mumlovesher. I think the two of them had plans to see you going down the aisle before Easter, and now you’ve gone and messed it all up for the sake of a ‘quick fuck in the loo’.” Kate uses her fingers as quotation marks.Are those the words Mum used? Jesus.
“That’s nonsense.”
“Not to Mum, it isn’t. She’s been screaming at me over the phone, saying you’re a deviant and she’s on her way back to London to rescue you from the clutches of ‘that harlot’.”
I cover my face with my hands. “Oh, fuck.”
“Fuck is right. And you know she’s always thought Elly’s a loose cannon. Can’t get her head around the ‘wants to be a musician’ thing. Thinks she’s a wastrel.” Kate fills her cheekswith air and blows it out. “Didn’t help that you were always complaining about how she never paid her rent on time.” Filled with regret, I let my eyes flicker shut for a moment. “And now she’s convinced Elly’s a she-devil who’s dead set on seducing her perfect son. She’s coming to stage an intervention.”
“She can’t do that.”
Kate lets out a sharp burst of laughter that sounds anything but amused. “This is Mum we’re talking about. She can do anything she wants. She left half an hour ago so if you don’t want her smashing your door down and carving Elly’s insides out, then you need to get out of the house.” Kate picks up her water and finishes the rest. “You’ve put Elly right in the firing line. Don’t fuck with her. She’s important to me, and if you break her heart, I will skewer yours and cook it on the barbecue.”
There’s something adorable about just how hard Kate is willing to fight for Elly, but it still annoys me. “I’m not fucking with her, but that’s all I’m giving you because this is none of your business. In fact, you’re nearly as bad as Mum, coming round here to ask me about this. It’s interfering and—”
“Totally different. Mum’s coming because she doesn’t like Elly. I’m here because I love her.”
Kate’s words make my heart hurt, for a variety of reasons. “Neither of you trust me, though.” She bites into her bottom lip, shame washing over her face, and when it’s apparent she’s not going to contradict me, I check my watch. “Elly and I have to head out soon. We’re going to a recording studio.”
“You’re what?” Kate asks, eyes wide.
“I booked her studio time, so she can record her—”
“You did that for her?” Kate sputters.
“Yeah, at Elmwood Studios.”
Kate’s lips part in a soundless ‘wow.’ And itisimpressive; there’s no better place to record than Elmwood.
“I’ve set up all her social media channels too, so she can stream the music and make the videos. I’ve roped in one of the guys from the marketing team at work. Derek. Do you know him?” I continue, and Kate nods. “He does freelance for creatives, so he knows what he’s doing in terms of positioning her.” Excitement is burning through me, destroying my previous annoyance. The feeling is exactly the same as when I’m at work on a project that’s definitely going to come off. It’s a buzz… a high, and I know Kate can feel it emanating from me.
“Okay, wow,” she says, in little more than a whisper. “You’re invested.”
The two of us turn to the sound of Elly’s voice. She’s standing there in the doorway, looking beautiful and happy and like she’s been fucked all night, and at the sight of her I want to do it all over again. I have to hold myself back from pushing my sister out of the house so I can get on with it.
Elly’s smile falters, taking in whatever it is she can see on our faces. She looks from Kate to me, then back to Kate. “What’s going on?”
“I came to return Jack’s phone. He left it at Nico’s last night.”
Under Kate’s gaze, Elly’s cheeks turn a little red. “Oh.” There’s a long, uncomfortable silence, only broken when Elly whispers, “You know.” Kate quirks a brow, inviting clarification. “About us,” Elly adds sheepishly.