Page 3 of Home for Christmas
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“It means…I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t want everybody seeing what belongs to…,” he pauses and I don’t know if he’s going to finish but he does, “him…if he’s any kind of man that is!”
At first, I’m too stunned to speak. Tannen thinks I have a boyfriend or is he just assuming normal nineteen-year-olds date which I’m sure they do but not me.
“I hope you don’t treat your girlfriend like this because if you do I feel sorry for her, you high-handed ass. And I’m very sure she wouldn’t like to know you had your hand on someone else’s ass! Whatever cheerleader it might be this time.” I say the last part under my breath but not low enough he can’t hear what I said. Turnabout is fair play after all. “Someone should spank you. Then you’d understand how it feels.”
We both look at one another for what feels like forever. Then he goes for me. I squeal and take off running. He’s grabbing me before I can make it around the bed, jerking me back by pulling on my sweater. I shriek and grab the front before he can pull it down enough to have my breasts popping free, damn it. My concern for my boobs gives him an advantage which he uses to pull me back to him and over to the bed.
He’s sits on the bed and yanks me over his lap. I let out another squeal as he flips the end of my sweater up.
“Tannen! What the hell?!”
“I’m making sure you feel this one without the bulk of your sweater getting in the way. You better be thankful you have panties on under this stupid thing. Otherwise, I would have…”
“You ass! You would what? Pucker up and kiss it because that is...OW!! Tannen!”
His hand comes down on the swell of my cheek causing me to break off and tense under his hand. He does it to the other side causing me to start cussing.
“Get your dirty, rotten hands off me! You have no right!”
“I have every right if you put yourself in danger!”
He takes the back of my panties and pulls them up, so they slip between my cheeks and starts hitting my bare bottom. I wiggle but his grip on my hips is solid.
I’m offended, yes, but that isn’t the reason I am making such a fuss. It’s because something is happening to me every time he makes contact with me. Something is making me…wet! And horny!
I can’t let him find out what is happening to me so I start fighting him, thrashing around like a mad woman. When everything else fails I resort to biting him which just makes him shout and spank me more.
“Good Lord at the noise, Katie. What is all the racket do you think?”
I go utterly still and so does Tannen. We hear the door shut downstairs.
“I think it’s coming from upstairs!”
“Tannen! It’s my mom!”
Chapter Four
She slides off my lap and in between my legs as she whisper/hisses.
“Goodness, Ruby! I hope the children are okay.”
I close my eyes at the new voice, “Mine too!”
She turns wide, horrified eyes up to me.
“What are we…?”
“Oh, my!” Ruby pulls up short at the door.
“Wha…, oh!” My mom titters behind her hand.
I go on autopilot and pull her sweater down as I step in front of her while hopefully making it look like I am tying my shoe.
“Mom, Ruby, I almost tripped over my shoelace and Marley was laughing at my clumsiness.”