Page 33 of Home for Christmas
“Do you still speak to that realtor you dated last year, Ruby?”
Marley’s mom turns to me, “Yes. Why?”
She looks over at my mom with a knowing smile on her face.
“I want to look into buying a house here so Marley doesn’t have to move too far away from you two and her friends.” I’ve already been in touch with the school about starting the semester at a college closer to town. It will only take me an hour to get there and back, which is a hell of a lot better than hours and hours. “I know she’ll want to be close to you guys when we start to have babies.”
“Babies. Did you hear that, Kate? He said babies.”
“As in more than one.” My mom finishes for her.
My mom slides her hand over to me and her eyes become serious even if the smile on her face is not. “About that…”
Oh no! Now what? Please tell me they didn’t buy us a house already. That would be too much.
“I was wondering, maybe, if you wanted to, you could live here together.”
“Hey everybody. What’s going on? Why are we all sitting around the table talking?”
I pull Marley down into my lap and kiss her. She went upstairs to take a nap and I missed her even that little bit of time she wasn’t with me.
“I was just asking your mom if she knew a good realtor?”
“And I said you guys could, maybe, stay here.”
“Wouldn’t that be a little crowded Mom?”
“Especially when we start having babies?” The moms look at one another and smile at Marley saying ‘babies’ too.
“Not if she’s moved in with me.”
“What?” Marley looks at her mom and I look at mine. I don’t think this is something that just popped into their heads.
“Mom, are you…alright?” God, please don’t be sick! Please just be alright!
“I’m fine, sweetie. It’s nothing like that. It’s just…well, I was going to say something after Christmas before our missi…before you two fell in love.”
I narrow my eyes at the two of them. Don’t think I missed the little slip-up my mom made when she was talking about the ‘mission’ the two of them had.
“Kate’s been telling me how empty the house has felt.”
“It is such a big house.” My mom agrees with Ruby.
“And, well, our house is smaller and Kate is like a sister to me. The best sister.”
My mom gives Kate a happy smile.
“And well, I ask her to come live with me. Even if the two of us found men to marry we would still be together every day, and any man would have to be okay with that.”
“Not that we could ever replace your fathers, sweethearts.”
The two are known around town as the ‘Merry Widows’ and everyone knows, that where one goes the other will be right by her side. They really are like sisters more than best friends and the loss of both their husbands just made that bond stronger. I owe a great deal to Ruby. Not only did she bring my love into the world and takes such good care of her, but she’s also been great for my mother. I don’t think my mom would have made it through my dad’s death if not for Ruby.
Marley looks over at me and then back to our moms, “I think…since this is the house we fell in love in, and grew up in, we would be honored to take it and fill it with babies for the two of you.”
The moms are up and rushing to us, tears streaking down their faces and hugs and kisses being exchanged.
“I’m so glad I didn’t have to sell it.”