Page 108 of Deuce
It was different having a man that I could talk business with. Most guys I dated in the past loved to be in the damn streets. Granted, Deuce was in the streets too, but he was on a whole other level. He handled his business and made time to cuddle with me at the end of a long ass day.
There were several layers to him. He wasn’t just his last name or his job. He was caring and loving in his own aggressive ass way. He was a protector and a provider. Somehow, he’d become my other best friend. I was falling for him, and I just couldn’t help myself.
We’d gotten lost in conversation between me stealing fries from his plate when a man approached our table. Deuce looked up and the frown that appeared told me that this was someone he couldn’t stand.
“Mr. Dillinger,” the man said. I noticed the badge displayed on his hip.
“The fuck you want?”
“So hostile.” He looked over at me. “Detective Ian Pearson. You are?”
Deuce stood from his seat. “None of your fucking business. Why are you even still in town?”
“Just tying up some loose ends. You know, I found it very funny that the judge who signed off on your warrant ended up dead from an apparent suicide.”
“I guess that guilt got to him. Do you know what’s funnier? The fact that I heard it wasyouwho blackmailed him into signing the warrant.”
The man’s eyes widened slightly. He tried to quickly composed himself, but he wasn’t fast enough.
“Yeah, I’m on to you, muthafucka. You gon’ learn not to fucking play with me. Count your days and know that there ain’t a place you can hide that I won’t find you.”
“Do you know who I am? I know enough about you to put you away for life.”
“Is that what this is? You think you’re gonna make a name for yourself out here? Stop while you’re ahead. You have no idea the reach I have, my nigga. I know who sent for you and as soon as I get the information I need, it’s lights out for both of you. Now… I’m having a nice lunch with my lady. Show her some respect and get the fuck away from this table.”
The detective looked between the two of us but didn’t move. Deuce chuckled as he placed a hand on the back of the detective’s neck. I watched as he pressed his thumb into the pressure point, causing him to wince in pain.
“You’re making my trigger finger itch. I’d hate to cause a scene in this nice establishment. Get. The fuck. Out… Now.”
Deuce released him and the detective quickly walked off. He reclaimed his seat and leaned over to kiss me.
“You good?”
I nodded. “Can we please go?”
He sighed as he pulled his wallet out and placed a hundred-dollar bill on the table. He stood and reached for my hand. We walked out of the restaurant in silence and climbed into his car. Just as we were about to pull off, he got a call.
“Hey, Jae. What’s up?”
He was quiet for a moment as he listened to his sister.
“Say what now?”
His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Bet. I’m on my way.” He hung up and turned to me. “We have to go to Jaeda’s. She’s got some shit to show me.”
I nodded as I relaxed into the seat. I prayed that whatever she had to show him would bring him one step closer to ending this shit.
Jaeda’s home on the compound was beautiful, but I expected nothing less. It was a gorgeous one-story farmhouse with a wrap-around porch. She was a total girly girl so there was an influx of flowers, and she had a garden.
The inside was spacious everything was in pristine condition. She led us from the front door and down the hall to a door that required handprint recognition to enter. When we stepped inside, it was like walking into a tech lover’s dream.
Sis was like the black Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds. She had several computers and mounted monitors. Pink file cabinets lined a single wall. Several degrees were displayed with her name on it. I knew she was smart, but she held degrees in computer science, information technology, data analysis and cybersecurity.
“Damn, girl,” I said, looking around.
She giggled. “I know. My looks don’t match my brains. You’d be surprised how many times I’ve heard that.”