Page 4 of Deuce
“Come on. Pops wants to see you. We can stop for food on the way.”
“Fat ass.”
“I’ll be that,” I said as I unlocked my car. “Don’t throw up in my whip, either.”
“Fuck you.”
We shared a laugh as we both climbed in. I cranked up the car and pulled out of the alley. As we pulled into traffic, I sent my lil’ bussit baby a text, letting her know to meet me at our spot. Hopefully, my father didn’t take too long. After the day I had, all I wanted to do was eat, slid up in some good pussy, and lay my black ass down.
Twenty minutes later, Mia and I scrolled into the main house of the Dillinger estate with a bag of greasy burgers and fries in our hands. The family compound sat on sixty acres on the outskirts of town. There were several generations of us living comfortably, but not so close together that we were right on top of each other.
The main house belonged to my great-great-grandfather. It was where all family meetings and gatherings took place. We were like our own little community. This was private property and if anybody entered, that wasn’t supposed to be here, there was no guarantee that they would leave. Nobody fucked with us, though, and they knew better than to try.
Behind that huge iron gate was a family of highly trained assassins, drug dealers, gun suppliers, and Diamond miners all ready to put a bullet in anybody’s ass if they stepped out of line. One thing about us, we rode hard and ten toes down behind each other at all times.
“It’s about time you niggas showed up,” Mace said as we strolled into the meeting room.
The space was large with several throne-like chairs strategically placed in a circle. Each chair has a small table beside it. The walls were lined with pictures of our family and ancestors. Above the fireplace was the family crest and motto.
“Revenge is an act of passion, vengeance is an act of justice.”
Those who knew us and our ties knew that when a Dillinger sought vengeance, shit was personal.
“Oh, you had something better to do?” I asked, slapping the back of his head as I walked past.
He swung at me but missed.
“What’s up old man?” I dapped my father. “Sorry we’re late. A nigga was hungry.”
He shook his head as I plopped down in my seat and began rummaging through my bag.
“Hey, baby girl.” He pulled Mia into a hug. “You good?”
“I’m good.”
“She threw up,” I revealed, popping a fry in my mouth.
Mia frowned at me. “Thanks, Deuce. Just embarrass me, why don’t you?”
“That’s my job as your oldest brother.”
She rolled her eyes as she took the seat next to me. “The bane of my existence.”
“I love you, too.”
Pops clapped his hands, and the room fell silent. “All right, all right. Let’s get down to business. The baby of the family had her first kill tonight.”
A lite applause went up around the room.
“Baby girl, you dominated your training. Even though you wanted to jump in headfirst, I’m proud of the way you soaked up everything I taught you. I’m sorry your first kill had to be someone you once cared for, but it had to be done. You’re aDillinger. We protect ourselves at any cost and eliminate threats before it’s too late. Understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“As tradition follows, tonight you’ll officially be inducted into the organization.”
He pressed a call button, and in walked Ms. Maddie with her fine ass. The woman was in her fifties and didn’t look a day over forty.
I swear if she wasn’t Mia’s mom and my Pops wasn’t tapping that, I’d put dick all in her. Tonight, she was dressed in a long, red dress that hugged those thick ass curves and red heels showing off her pretty ass feet. My brothers grinned as she sashayed into the middle of the floor. Jaeda rolled her eyes at them.