Page 75 of Deuce
“I know.”
His vague responses were starting to annoy me. I sat back and rode in silence until we turned into a nice ass neighborhood fifteen minutes later.
“Are we eating at somebody’s house?”
“We are.” He looked over at me with a smirk. “My mama is looking forward to meeting you.”
“Your mother! Stanley, what the fuck!”
“She was at me about not coming to see her all last week. I know I asked to spend time with you, but I can’t tell that lady no to most things. I promised to take her shopping today.”
My face softened a little.He loves his mama.
“You taking me shopping too?” I asked.
He grinned. “I thought you didn’t want my money, Shawty?”
I playfully punched him. “Well, you won’t let menottake it any other time.”
He chuckled. “I got you. I can’t drop a bag on my main lady and not drop one on my baby, too.”
I smirked. “I don’t remember you asking me to be yours. For all I know, it’s ten other bitches out there that you call baby, too. What about those tricks LeAnn mentioned? I already have to deal with these bitches at work. I don’t need no bitch coming to me as a woman about you.”
“First of all, nobody has any official titles or ties when it comes to me, love. If they tell you otherwise, they are a bold face lie. Second, if anybody ever comes at you about me, point them in my direction, and I’ll handle it. I’m not the type a nigga that’s gon’ lie to you or lie on my dick, Salima.”
He pulled up to a stop sign and turned to me.
“You got that?”
“I hear you.”
“Now,baby… would you like to go shopping today? And I don’t wanna hear any back talk or shit talking. It’s yes or no.”
“You know what?—”
He gently grabbed my chin, and I subconsciously followed the pull of his arm.
“Yes or no?”
I stifled the moan threatening to spill from my lips. I inhaled deeply and held it for a moment before I responded.
“Good girl.”
He pecked my lips, then pulled off from the stop sign. I relaxed into the seats with a smile on my face. Then I remembered I was about to meet his mother. Would she like me? What would she think of me? Would she think I was one of these girls after her son for his money?
My nerves began to race as the car slowed down. A few seconds later, we pulled up in front of a beautiful one-story brickhome that looked like it could have been a contender for home of the year.
The front door opened and out stepped a woman who didn’t look old enough to have a son Deuce’s age.
“That’s your mama?” I asked.
“Yep. Stephanie Larkins.”
“Damn. She’s beautiful. I know she has men after her all the time.”
He frowned. “Don’t do that.”