Page 25 of Scales of Time
He picked up her hand and kissed it.
“Ouch. That bad.”
He chuckled and smiles crossed the features of those nearest to them who heard her.
She sighed. “I never pass up the chance to wreck a first impression.”
Essan smiled. “We are breaking for a meal.”
As he announced it, the crowd moved and exited the hall. The Hmrain got to his feet and held out his hand. Kris put her hand in his, and he walked with her out of the hall and down a pathway, past more security, and then, they were in his private quarters if the heavily guarded area was any indicator.
He walked her through an exterior door, and a table was set with a wide variety of food and two chairs set nicely together.
The last servant set the food down and left the little courtyard. Kris looked at the spread and rubbed the spot where her ring had been. “This is lovely, but I don’t think I can eat it.”
“Try. Your body has been acclimating to this world and its produce.”
“Fine, but if I start wheezing, please get me to a repair unit.”
“Of course, Kris, but I have confidence that your allergies have been taken care of.” He smiled and held her chair for her. “Try.”
She nodded, washed her hands, and as she dried them, she looked over the food. She settled on something sweet. Her hands shook as she brought the item to her lips, and when she took a slow bite, she could feel Essan staring at her.
She chewed and swallowed and waited for the signs of a reaction. Nothing. Kris stared at him. “What treatment was I subjected to?”
“Well, you are now property of Kifessan. It is a proprietary treatment.”
Kris snorted. “I thought as much. This tastes really good.”
“Good. Continue.” He brought a hand to his lips and slowly stroked his finger back and forth.
She felt a blush and tried to convince herself that what she was reading in those stellar eyes wasn’t what she thought it was.
She ate her first meal slowly but picked up speed as the reaction she was used to never started.
When she was full, she had to stop, but she didn’t want to. “Dang. I barely made a dent.”
He smiled. “Your appetite will increase as you are able to consume more at a sitting.”
Kris nodded. “Well, at least this covering hides the food baby.”
He frowned. “What?”
“Abdominal distention due to overeating.”
He chuckled. “My mind went elsewhere.”
She blinked. “Right. So, what happened after I toasted the soil?”
“Oh, the dam you created cracked at the weak point you designed, and the mud flowed in the elevated channel and spilled into the flat near the resort. A few buildings were lost, but nothing compared to an uncontrolled flood. How did you know?”
“There was flooding on my world. One year, thousands lost their lives because they could not afford to evacuate or had nowhere to go.” Kris shrugged. “I researched how mud flowed, soil gave way, and how a tiny trickle of water can cause a landslide if the conditions are right. I looked up the mountain and saw trees moving. A flood had started and was coming our way.”
“Interesting. Do you often make such leaps of logic?”
“Yes. Frequently. It is why I was so effective as a bodyguard. Of course, Harwin was better for close combat. I tended to make a mess.”
Essan nodded. “I can see that. So, would you like to know why I chose you?”