Page 3 of Scales of Time
Kris shrugged. “Less chances to make an ass out of myself.”
Yorness snorted. “Just bide your time. You can make your own opportunity.”
Kris laughed as Yorness deliberately misunderstood her. They would be on her world in a few days. The vessel they were boarding was suited for going through the asteroid field when the lighter ship wasn’t.
She would spend her time in the merchant’s outer chamber for the week, and when they arrived, she would go where she directed. Kris wondered about the ship and hoped she didn’t have nightmares.
Fourteen hours later, she drank a cup of ice water to cool her overheated body. The nightmares always kicked in on big vessels.
Yorness had come out, woken her up, and gone back to bed. It was embarrassing that her boss had to pull her out of a nightmare of being trapped under tons of cargo with her friend screaming next to her. The idiot who had released the cargo plates before the vessel had stopped was fired and banished planetside. They were also forced to pay for a good chunk of the rehab that Harwin and Kris needed. The medic paid for the rest.
They had owed the education station until Yasku paid their debt. Kris was now with Yorness because she wanted to be. It was like being the bodyguard to a scaly, cranky grandma.
She washed her face and headed back to bed. Maybe she could get in another hour or two.
A week after they had entered the transport, they were landing on Kifessan, and Kris was on her way to another world where she didn’t match the population. It wasn’t the first time, and it wasn’t the fifth. After a while, one got used to being the odd face in the crowd, but it was still unsettling.
The scaled faces came in greens, blues, golds, and vivid purples. Kris was brought through customs by Yorness, and the decontamination burn would fade in a few days.
“I forgot your skin did that for the decontamination.”
“Well, the exterior layer of my body has been burned off. Even my suit is a little brittle now.”
“We will get you into normal clothing, and no one will notice anything other than that you are excessively pink.” Yorness checked her manifest tablet and smiled. “The offloading is going well.”
“Where is your warehouse?”
“Near my estate. It has to be kept under tight security.”
“Because dispersal has to be determined by Essan or his ministers.”
“He’s the Hmrain on your world?”
“In our sector. He’s the one I go shopping for.” Yorness chuckled as their driver triggered their vehicle to move through the streets, and they began to cruise through Kifessan.
“What is this city called?”
“The spaceport. The city over there that is Mercoth.”
“Oh. It’s pretty.” That was an understatement. Spires, towers, and beautiful glass were as far as the eye could see. The city glittered in the distance.
“That is our hallmark. Our architects and artists are in high demand in other sectors.”
“I thought your kind didn’t leave often.”
“We don’t. That is why there is so much demand. There are less than fifty of my people off world at any given time. We are guarded and protected.”
“Wow. Oh, yeah, you had other guards when I met you.”
“Correct, but I am more comfortable with females around me, and you two were so very special.”
Kris chuckled. “Yeah, that is one word for us. We appreciate you taking us on. Well, Harwin did. I am still on the fence until you delete that footage of me dancing.”
Her employer laughed. “Get comfortable on that fence.”
Kris grinned. “Yes, Merchant.”