Page 39 of Scales of Time
Kris couldn’t eat another thing. Yorness stared at the wreckage of the platters. “You seriously have no more allergies?”
“Not that I can detect. I am putting everything in my mouth, and so far, no adverse reaction.” She glanced at the smirking Essan. “Nothing out of you.”
He shrugged. “I enjoy your appetites. All of them.”
She blinked.
Yorness hissed in amusement. “Food drunk is a good look on you.”
“Well, it’s been a very long time. My allergies kicked in when I was a teen.”
She stretched and wiggled her feet. “Feeling full and actually tasting things is a delightful acquisition. So is the fire-proof fabric.”
Essan cuddled her. “It is late. Do you want to head home?”
“Well, I am not a great conversationalist while I am belching. I also need a few litres of water.”
He nodded. “Of course.”
Yorness paused. “May I give Kris a hug?”
Essan set Kris on her feet, and she hugged her friend. “Thanks for bringing me here, Merchant.”
“You are welcome, Lady Kris. Go home and get some rest.”
Vahshee stood up from where she had been snoozing, dancing from foot to foot. Kris looked to Essan and said, “Can I ride her to the palace?”
“Can she handle the weight of all that food?”
Kris straightened her garment, and walked up to her steed. “She’s just fine.”
“Good. Let’s go while you are still awake and can keep the warm air under her.”
Kris nodded and got up into the saddle. She probably flashed all kinds of ass, but she got settled and nodded to the others who were watching. Vahshee walked calmly out of the party and took a few steps before they both worked to get her airborne.
Kris’s gut twinged as they flew, and she focused on getting to the city while Essan flew nearby. The palace came into focus as they got closer. The pain in her abdomen increased with every flap of the beast’s wings. Kris breathed slowly, and Vahshee headed for a building Kris hadn’t seen. When they were down, some of the workers came out and smiled. “She’s adorable, Lady Kris.”
Kris swallowed and unclasped the leather bands that held her in place. She struggled to get out of the stirrups and stumbled back. Essan caught her. “Kris, is something wrong?”
She looked at him and knew she was chalky and white. “I am not feeling great.”
He picked her up and walked to the medical bay that she was too familiar with.
The scanner hummed as Kris remained still. It felt like the most hellish PMS that she had ever experienced.
When the scanner opened, Essan looked at her. “Kris, how many ovaries does your kind have?”
“Just the two. One on each side.”
“After your accommodation changes, you seem to have grown a third. Right here. The source of the discomfort.” He smiled. “I am sorry it is causing you pain, but this is a Hmrain configuration.”
“Seriously? Those buggers tampered with me?”
“I am guessing that they simply planted the seed. When you began to change, it activated... and attached.” He carefully lifted her and kissed her cheek. “I have a painkiller in my quarters. It will probably knock you out, so I want you in bed before I administer it.”
“You aren’t just going to cum and rub it into my skin, are you?” She smiled slightly. “Again.”
He grinned. “No. That will not be necessary. I will save it for special occasions.”