Page 14 of Red Fire
“I’ll sleep when it is safe to do so.”
Poor guy. I get tears in my eyes for a moment. I’m so grateful he is helping me. I’ve never been more terrified in all of my life.
“Here.” He hands me something.
I take it on instinct, quickly realizing that it’s my backpack. “Thanks.” I fumble with the pack, putting it onto my back as I stand. “I don’t suppose you have a lantern or a flashlight?”
“No, and even if I did, we wouldn’t use it. They’ll find us in a minute if we do something like that.”
“You’re right.”
“As quiet as a mouse.”
“Mice can be noisy critters.” I smile.
“A mute mouse, then.”
I giggle softly, then stop. “Sorry, I laugh when I’m nervous. It used to get me into a lot of trouble at school.”
“You’ll need to get over that habit really quickly. If they find us, we probably won’t escape. I will be killed. You…you’ll be in trouble, Octavia.”
The words mating and breeding come to mind. My stomach churns.
“I know.” A knot forms in my stomach. I’m trying not to think about it because I’ll freeze up. I’ll be too afraid to do anything, which isn’t like me. I hate feeling this vulnerable. “I’ll be as quiet as a mute mouse…I swear.”
“Good. We need to get going soon,” he says in a soft, yet deep voice, throwing a log onto the embers. He starts blowing.
“Okay.” I rummage in my pack, feeling my way around until the log catches alight and I can see.
I spend a few minutes brushing my teeth. I’m tempted to wash off some of the soot that is still caked on my skin, but I don’t. I have a feeling that Creed wouldn’t like it.
“Are you nearly ready?”
“Can I have a minute alone, please?”
He sighs, going outside. I use the bucket and then call him back inside.
“Ready?” he whispers.
He pours water over the fire, which sizzles as it goes out. There’s a little smoke, but nothing crazy. Then we walk outsideonto his wooden deck. It’s just as dark under the canopy of trees as it was inside the cabin. I can’t see much of anything.
“There are no stairs,” he murmurs. I think I hear him take his jeans off, but I try not to think about it. I don’t want to know.
“How do you get up and down?” I’m, once again, trying not to panic. “Especially in the dark,” I whisper.
“I climb.”
“I’m not sure I—”
“Get onto my back.” He turns and goes down on his haunches. At this point, all I can see are shadows. “I’ll carry you. I use branches as well as footholds I built to get up and down. I’ve done it a thousand times. It’s quite safe.”
I hesitate. I mean, of course, I do…who wouldn’t? We’re high up. Creed is going to climb down the side of a tree. Climb! He’s going to do so with the added weight of me on his back.
Creed sighs. “What happened to doing whatever I told you without question and immediately? Get! Onto! My back! Do it now!” he growls low.
Oh, my gosh!