Page 22 of Red Fire
“All of that and more.” I stand, covering my cock with my hand, something I normally would never do, but here we are. “I’ll carry you once we’re free of the brambles.”
“How did you get me through all those thorns? The bushes are really thick. I can’t believe I didn’t wake up.”
“You were exhausted, so I let you sleep. I don’t blame you for being so tired after such an ordeal and then only two hours’ sleep the night before.” I used my body to cover her. I got pretty scratched up but have since healed.
She nods.
“You go first,” I whisper, pointing at a section where the brambles aren’t as thick. It’s the section I pushed through last night. The scuff marks from my knees are evident on the ground. “There is a path through there. I’ll follow you.”
“Okay,” she says, getting onto her hands and knees. I have to look away for a moment because I’m a dirty fuck. All I can see are her swaying tits. Why is she even wearing a bra? She may as well not be. Then she is crawling ahead of me, her ass in the air, and I go back to being hard as a damned rock. What I wouldn’t give to peel her jeans down her thighs and to sink myself in her heat. Thoughts like that make me just as bad as the others, and I refuse to let that happen. I am not an animal.
It doesn’t help that she was looking at me earlier…really looking. Looking more than she should have been. I could feel it from the way my skin was prickling. When I opened my eyes, her gaze was on my cock. She quickly averted her stare, her cheeks going blood red. I caught her looking. I’m going to forget the heat evident in her eyes. We don’t have time for bullshit.
I push out a breath and concentrate on getting through the brambles, ducking low to avoid the thorns.
“Ow…ow…” The female ducks down; some of her hair is snagged in the bushes. She makes these tiny noises, trying to hold still. Then she attempts to untangle herself with one hand. “Ouch! These thorns are vicious,” she whispers, her voice strained.
“Let me help you,” I say after watching her wrestle with the spiky vine for a minute or two. “There isn’t much room,” I add when I get up to her. “Get down as low as you can.”
She makes a small noise of frustration, doing as I ask her. The vine pulls down, and her hair lifts up. She has to crane her neck a little, but with her chest flat on the ground, I can just crawl on top of her. Thorns scratch at my back, but I ignore it.
“I’ve got it,” I tell her as I untangle the vine from her hair. I can scent her below me. Feel her heat. Feel how soft her body is under mine.
Under me.
Holy shit!
I work on untangling her hair. I try not to notice the enticing woman beneath me, but I’m failing. My cock is growing thick again. It’s pressed up against her ass.
My dragon is right there. He wants me to claim her. To mark and breed her so that the others will leave her alone. I ignore him. Our dragons are base and primal.
She makes this little noise that tells me she’s noticed. How can she not? My cock is throbbing between us, digging into all the soft flesh of her ass. Her scent grows stronger. Honeysuckles and wildflowers. I have to stop myself from breathing her in, from pressing up against her. From—Fuck no!
I lift away from her, my back be damned. Barbs dig into me, but I don’t care. I feel blood trickle, but I don’t give a shit. I work harder to get her hair free. I feel like shouting out my relief when it does come away from the vine.
“Done. You’re free,” I say as I cup my cock with my hand.
Octavia crawls out from under me, moving faster than she was before. I’m sure she can’t wait to get away from me. Pulling in deep breaths through my nose, I will my dick to go down. I try to think of other things. Since when was I this out of control? It’s like my body has a mind of its own.
I don’t like it one bit. I’m sure I scared the human. From the way she continues to crawl away, I would say that I have. Then again, her sweet scent told me differently. She was aroused. I’m sure of it. My dragon is sure of it, too, but he can go to hell. I don’t fully trust him.
I huff out a sigh and then follow her. I’m here to help her and to protect her, not to claim her. I would do well to remember that.
She is dusting off as I crawl out from under the bushes. She folds her arms over her chest as I emerge. I can’t blame her for being cagey.
“Sorry,” I mutter. My cock hasn’t fully gone down yet, but we don’t have time. We need to go. “You’ll need to get on my back.” I turn and go down on my haunches.
Octavia gasps. “You’re all scratched up and bleeding.”
I look back over my shoulder. “It’s fine,” I tell her. “I don’t even feel it. It’ll heal up in no time; I’ve always been a fast healer.”
“I mean…if you say so,” she says, her eyes wide with concern. “I wish I had a first aid kit.”
“There’s no need and no time,” I tell her, still whispering. Then I stand and pick her up, holding her to my chest.
She gasps, louder this time.