Page 27 of Red Fire
I creep toward a fallen log. There is a bushy area to the side of it. I can squeeze myself in between them. It will make for a goodhiding place, I think…I hope. There is a strange cracking noise in the direction Creed just took.
What is it?
I’ve heard such a noise before. I can’t place it. Sticks breaking, maybe. It doesn’t make sense, since Creed is normally so silent.
I can’t help myself. I know that Creed told me not to do it, but I look back as I am positioning myself behind the log.
I can’t see anything but trees and leaves and foliage.
There is a low growl. It doesn’t sound human, but I’ve come to know that these mountain men are wild, so I don’t allow it to worry me any more than I am already. It’s going to be fine. Creed is big and strong.
Within a minute, there is the unmistakable sound of fighting. There are thuds and crashes: it sounds like a tree is uprooted.
A tree?
This is followed by a loud cracking noise, like branches being snapped. What the hell is going on? There are more growls, followed by another snarl. What’s disconcerting is that the noises are steadily growing louder.
No, that isn’t human. It sounds like a dragon. It has to be. I peek out from my hiding place, even though I shouldn’t, but I have to know.
Sure enough, I see a flash of scales and a tail flicking. There is another snarl as another tree is uprooted, its roots cracking as it falls over with a crash. The dragons aren’t holding back.
Crap! Crap! Crap!
There are two of them. A green one and a bronze one. They both have patches of red. The ones I saw earlier also had them.
Where is Creed? Has he been hurt?
One of the beasts tears into the other. All I see are teeth, claws, and that wicked barbed tail. I realize with a start that they’re getting closer and closer to me. The bronze one has its back to me.
I look around. Should I move? They might see me and forget each other, coming for me instead.
Where are you, Creed? Where are you?
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t want to move. It could also mean death if I stay.
The dragons keep fighting. The bronze one is stronger. He manages to pin the green dragon down with sheer brute force. The green dragon thrashes and roars, but the bronze dragon’s grip is severe. I can’t tear my eyes away from the brutal spectacle unfolding.
Just as I think the green dragon is about to break free, the bronze one grips it by the throat. There is a sickening crunch, blood sprays, and the green dragon slumps. I think it’s dead. Surely it wouldn’t survive its throat being ripped out? What now? I can’t take my eyes off the bronze dragon. Does it know I’m here? Will it come for me next?
I’m about to duck down when the green dragon seems to shimmer before pulling in on itself. It seems to fold back. I sit up, peering across the space between me and them. The bronze dragon looms over the space where the other dragon lay, watching intently. Seconds later, the green dragon is gone. It’s like it was never there. On the ground in its place is a man. A bloody, broken man.
A man.
How can that be?
I do something stupid. I rub my eyes because surely I am seeing things. This can’t be real.
The bronze dragon turns its gigantic head to me. Its eyes landing squarely on me.
No, please!