Page 49 of Red Fire
It isn’t big enough to stand in, not by a long shot, but it will offer protection from prying eyes and will help to alert Creed if someone gets close. At least, that is the plan.
We crawl inside, putting our backs to the wall. Creed doesn’t close it up fully, so light streams in through an opening at the side.
“It’ll have to do,” he says, sounding gruff.
When I look his way, he has this pinched look I don’t like.
“Are you okay?” I ask him.
“Yes,” he says. “I just need to get some rest. I don’t think I’ll get much sleep tonight.”
“So, you’re just tired, then?”
He nods once, grunting in agreement.
I keep looking at him. That same something is niggling me again.
“What is it, Octavia? I won’t be able to sleep if you keep looking at me like that.” He opens his eyes.
There is a dusting of stubble on his jaw. I feel something inside as I look at him. I’m not sure what it is. Relief that he is alive. I’m grateful for all he is doing for me, but there’s more. So much more. I’m not going there right now, though. I can’t afford to.
I decide to ask the questions that have been swirling around in my head. “What are culling games exactly, and what does it mean to be my champion? Most of all, what are our chances?” I ask the last in a small voice. I hadn’t planned on bombarding him with all of this at once, but I can’t help it. I need to know.
“The culling games are a dragon tradition that was outlawed many years ago. If a female had many suitors, the king would sometimes call for the games. It was done for fun. All thedragons would come to watch the spectacle. People would place bets on the potential victor. We’d have one or two a year. It was a big event held in a stadium. The games took place over two days. If the female had a champion, he would automatically be qualified for the final round, and all the others would fight for the chance to beat him. It was therefore important that she choose a strong male, but also someone she could see herself spending her life with.”
“Not really all that great for the woman,” I mutter.
“Not at all. It was why the games were done away with when Arctic took over. He is very much for equality. He is a great leader.”
“Who is Arctic?” I ask, frowning.
“Our king. He took the crown from his father ten years ago.” Creed lifts his eyes in thought. “He’s made many changes since then, and all for the better.”
“So you will be expected to fight for me tomorrow as my champion?”
He smiles. “Yes.”
“And chances are good it’s going to be Tank who you have to fight?”
He nods. “Yep, chances are good. I mean, you never know for sure, but the odds are in his favor. If I was a betting man, I would place my money on him.”
“On him being the one to face you in the final round, or as the one to win overall?” My voice is small and a touch shrill.
Creed looks away before meeting my gaze. I get a horrible feeling deep inside. “We’re evenly matched. It could go either way. I will fight hard for you, Octavia.”
“I know you will.” I scrutinize him. “There’s something you’re keeping from me.”
“No.” He shrugs. “I will more than likely have to face Tank come sunrise, and it’ll be tough, but I plan on beating him.” Idon’t quite buy his bravado. I’m not sure why since I think he is an excellent fighter and very strong. He is just as big as Tank. He has never backed down and only showed fear for a split second when we were outnumbered. Even then, it was for just a split second; after that, he was as cool as a cucumber.
“Shit,” I mutter when I realize what it is that’s been bugging me.
“What?” he asks.
“Something hasn’t been sitting right with me, and I just figured out what it is. You were using your left arm while you were hoisting those logs, even though you are right-handed. What’s going on? Are you hurt?”
He looks down at the ground, and I know I’m right.
Shit! Shit! Shit!