Page 55 of Red Fire
“You must,” I whisper.
“What’s this? Don’t you believe in your champion?” Tank laughs. It’s a nasty sneer.
“I do believe in you.” I take Creed’s hands. “You know I do.”
“I’m not leaving.” He leans in and whispers straight into my ear. “I have to try.”
“You’ll die,” I mouth. “You can’t…not now.” I’m on the verge of tears. I sniff, swallowing down the fear. It isn’t for me. Not right now, it isn’t. “Please,” I beg in a soft, choked voice. “Just until you…you can come back for me.” Until he is well again. Whole again. Until his ribs are healed and he stands a chance.
“He’ll hurt you, Octavia. He’ll hurt you in the worst of ways. He’ll impregnate you.”
“I don’t care. Not if it means you’ll survive. I need you to live,” I choke out. “Please.” I wish he’d listen.
He shakes his head, and I know he isn’t listening. Then he leans in and kisses me. He kisses me like he’s saying goodbye. Like he’s asking for forgiveness. Like he might just feel something for me. I grab hold of him and kiss him back with a hunger I didn’t know I had inside me. I dig my hands in his hair. I drag him closer. For a few seconds, I forget about everything but him…but us.
He pulls away, his eyes intense and on mine.
I’m panting a little. I’m begging him not to do it. My eyes are stinging with unshed tears.
Please. No!
“As touching as this is, we haven’t got all damned day,” Tank barks.
Creed turns to face Tank. “I’m ready.” He sounds fierce. He looks it, too. He looks angry and mean. He looks like he might have a chance. I wish to god he didn’t have broken ribs. If it weren’t for the ribs, he might just stand a chance.
I pray for a miracle, even though I know it’s unlikely to come.
I walk to Tank. I take my time. I keep my head high. I do not show weakness or fear.
His grin grows wider and wider as I approach. My frown grows deeper.
“Tell me all about human pussy,” he says as I get closer. “No.” He laughs. “You know what, don’t bother; it won’t be long before I get some of my own.”
Rage courses through me. My dragon goes nuts. I push him down. I need clarity. Tank is trying to anger me, trying to get me off-kilter. He’ll use it against me. He’s quick and aggressive but, at the same time, keeps a cool head. He’s a formidable opponent. I need to be the same. I need to be better if I have any hope of beating him.
As much as I’m doing this for Octavia, I can’t let thoughts of her interfere with my concentration. Especially thoughts of what will happen to her if I am unsuccessful.
I can’t go there!
“Can he do this?” Octavia yells. “Is this even allowed? What about the rules? What about the rules, Pyro? This has to be against the rules.”
Pyro says something to her, but I drown it out. I need to concentrate.
I’m almost positive that Tank knows about my ribs. That’s why he is doing this. One night would not have mended them fully, but I would have been far better off than I am right now. Some time to heal is better than no time.
We circle each other in our human forms. He is still smirking. I shift first, feeling my dragon burst forth. He is right behind me; I barely have time to dodge his flames. I use my tail, but he leaps back.
We exchange a few blows, but it’s clear that we’re testing one another. I think he might be toying with me. I don’t mind. Let him be cocky. The longer he plays, the more hope I have of getting a good blow in, a winning blow.
I get a claw to his back where I open flesh. He snarls and comes at me, his tail missing me by an inch. I feel the displaced air as I leap away.
He comes at me, flames licking. This time, he lands a strike with the side of his head… and directly on my ribs. I hear a crack as my newly fractured bones break clean through.