Page 64 of Red Fire
“I specifically told the female that I didn’t want sex. That I didn’t want anything. I meant it, we—”
“You’re lying. You need to admit to me that you forced the female, even if it wasn’t through words or actions. You and I both know it happened. You manipulated her to get what you wanted, and all under the pretense of helping. You make me sick.”
“I didn’t.”
“That you can’t admit it makes me despise you even more. You are weak and pathetic.” He pushes his chair back and stands. “Bring him to the torture chamber,” he tells one of the guards, then turns back to me. “I will make you talk.”
“Have you had a conversation with Octavia?” I ask. “I can tell that you haven’t. She would never—”
“I spoke with the female,” Colonel Taro says. “My finding is that you are guilty. I just need your admission of guilt to go forward with your beheading.” With that, he leaves the room.
Octavia would never tell them I hurt her. It wouldn’t happen. I think back to the one time we had sex. I’m sure she kissed me first. I’m sure she was willing. The sex was good for both of us, even though I was too rough, considering that she is a human. Octavia said she enjoyed it. She seemed sated. Was she lying? No fucking way. No! Whatever the colonel thinks he knows, he is wrong. Very wrong! This is all a vendetta against me. He knew exactly who I was the moment he laid eyes on me. Namely, themale who maimed his nephew. He doesn’t care one iota about the truth. He wants to see me dead. Well, he can torture me to fucking death. I refuse to admit to something I didn’t do.
At least half an hour goes by, but it could be more than that. I can’t be sure because there aren’t any clocks in the room. The walls are all white and quite bare. One thing is for sure: I’m done waiting.
I go and bang on the door. It doesn’t take long before a guard puts his masked head around the jamb. I want to yank the thing off his stupid face and slap some sense into him. All of them.
This is crazy. I can’t believe that stupid colonel won’t listen to me. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s like he has something against Creed. Maybe he’s just an asshole who has it in for everyone.
“What can I do for you?” the guard asks.
“Are you thirsty?” the other one asks.
“No, I want to see Creed,” I say, using a demanding tone.
“That won’t be possible,” the first guard says in a deadpan voice.
“Why not? He hasn’t done anything wrong.”
“It’s up to the colonel to decide that. He is questioning the prisoner as we speak,” the second guard tells me.
“Sit quietly. Your escort will be here any minute. Your ordeal is almost over,” the first one says. “Fear not, Creed will be brought to justice. The colonel will make him confess before long. He has methods that work very well.”
What the fuck?!
No! I refuse to stand by any longer. I was sure that if I bided my time, I would eventually be heard, and Creed would be released, but that isn’t happening. I need to change tack.
“Let me out of this room,” I demand.
“We were told to keep you here.” The one guard looks at the other. I can’t see their facial expressions with those stupid masks on.
“Am I a prisoner?”
“No, but—”
“But nothing. Let me out of here!” I yell, stepping forward.
Someone is approaching. They are of a smaller stature than the guards right outside my door. I see a swinging blonde ponytail. I’m assuming it’s a woman, even though she is wearing the same black uniform and mask. Although smaller than the men, she is way taller than most human women. I peg her to be six foot two.
“What is going on?” she asks in a feminine voice. “Is everything okay here?” Her mask hints at feminine attributes but is just as grotesque as the men’s. The mask thing is irritating. I like to see people’s faces.
“No, it isn’t,” I practically growl, feeling pricklier by the second.