Page 83 of Red Fire
“So, like I said,” Octavia goes on. “We had an adventure together. We had high-octane, living on the edge sex. Then we had relief sex once we got back.”
“Relief sex?” I lift my brows.
“Yeah, you know.” I really don’t know.“The first time was adrenaline-fueled, and after we got back, it was a relief-to-be-alive sex. We celebrated that. Boy, did we ever.” She widens her eyes. “You’ve been amazing, Creed. Helping me when you didn’t have to. I can’t thank you enough for everything.”
“I told you to stop thanking me.”
“No, I won’t. I’ll always be grateful. It would make me really happy to know that you were here and thriving. Living your best life. You deserve a family. You deserve everything.”
“Are you sure you can’t stay?” I sound like a broken damned record.
She laughs. “Of course not. We just went over all of it. Take me to the castle. I need to go home, and you need to go and see Aspen. The sooner you go to her, the better. Trust me, I know about these things.”
“You’re sure?” I sound like an idiot.
“Of course, I’m sure.” She giggles. She’s completely relaxed. Happy, even. I think that I might have been developing feelings for her. Maybe it is a good thing if she goes now. In a week, I might have struggled to say goodbye.
I’ve always loved Aspen. I’ve been a moping mess after what happened. I just…it…I… This is probably for the best. It is!
“Okay, then,” I say. “When did you want to leave?”
“There’s no time like the present. It’s not like I need to pack or anything.” She shrugs. “I’m sure they’ll have a few things for me at the castle.”
I had planned to take Octavia shopping. Actually, I had planned on keeping her in my bed…naked. I give an internal shake of the head. It has all changed now. It’s clear to me that Octavia wants to go. She looks eager and completely unaffected by meeting Aspen.
As if to prove a point, she jumps up to her feet, smiling all the while.
I feel like shit. Why? I like the human. This seems…sudden. I’ve never been good with surprises.
I stand. “Sure.” I still have my keys in my pocket. “Good thing I didn’t put my car in the garage.” Then I follow her lead and smile as we head out the door.
I did it. I kept my cool. I pulled it off.
I have feelings for Creed. They’re right there, front and center. It was worse when he was standing right in front of me. Looking at me with his chocolate stare. I like him so very much.If I’m honest with myself, it’s safe to say that I’m falling for him. I know it’s too soon and slightly crazy, but it is how I feel. I don’t think I’m mixing up lust and love. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.
Creed is such a good guy. He would feel bad if he knew my feelings for him. He would feel terrible about it. He would blame himself for leading me on. I won’t do that to him. He need never know. This way is for the best. I can’t stay in this house a moment longer. I mean, what if Aspen comes around while I’m still here? What if I overheard them…?
Hell, no!
I couldn’t do that to myself or to her. It would be like torture. I need to go to the castle right now. It’ll be a few short days before I leave. No harm done. I’m sure I’ll get over my infatuation with Creed. As much as I feel like I’m falling for him, it’s probably just lust. My mom was right to say that the two get confused sometimes. I feel confused right now. I need to let logic lead the way.
Creed opens the Jeep door for me, and I get in.
He gets in behind the wheel, reverses, and then pulls out into the street. There are a few dragons in the sky and a couple of cars on the road. If it weren’t for the dragons, this would look like any suburban neighborhood. A naked guy crosses the road.
Okay then, if it weren’t for the dragons and the odd naked person, this would be like any suburban neighborhood.
“Is it always this warm?” I ask when the silence becomes stifling and then flinch at the ridiculous line of conversation.
The weather. Really?
“Yes, we’re close to the equator, so it’s hot and muggy all year round. We get a lot of rain…also, all year round.”
“Good thing I’m not staying.” I laugh. “My hair gets frizzy from all the humidity.”