Page 91 of Red Fire
I look away and Star punches in her code, then she hands the phone to me. “Not too long or I might get into trouble.”
“Of course not.” That’s if he even answers. I dial Dad’s number and wait. I’m shocked when he answers. I wasn’t expecting it.
“Hello,” my dad says, sounding chipper.
I sigh with relief because it’s so good to hear his voice. My eyes instantly fill with tears. “Dad.” I make sure that I sound just as chipper, even though I am on the verge of tears.
“Octavia, love…is that you?” His voice is laced with shock.
“You only have one daughter, Dad.” I laugh, working harder not to cry.
“Oh, love. I can’t believe it. Are you home? Did you get home?”
“No, Dad. I’m still here. I’m still on the island, but I’m fine. I wanted to let you know that I’m safe.”
I hear a cellphone ring and then a woman talking.
“Who’s that?” I ask. “Is someone there?” Surely not.
There’s more talking and laughter in the background. Say what?
“Daaaad.” I’m smiling. “You need to tell me right now.”
“Um…well, yes, poppet. I’m sure you remember Mary from bowls club?”
I don’t have a clue who Mary from bowls club is. “Yes, I think so,” I tell him, wanting to know more about Mary and why she’s in my dad’s house. “Did you go to bowls?” I sound skeptical. He hasn’t been to the club since Mom died. Dad stopped doing a lot of things after Mom passed away.
“No, no, I ran into her at the store a couple of days after you decided you didn’t want to be a Tribute…when you ran. I have to say, Octavia, you gave me quite the scare. Your capture was all over the news. Are you okay? Is it terrible on the island? Have you seen dragons?”
“Not a one,” I tell him, winking at Star. “I’m fine; it’s like one big vacation over here.” I look around my room and smile at Star to let her know I’m sticking to the rules. “Now, back to you, Dad. Tell me about Mary. Don’t think you can change the subject on me.” I’m intrigued.
“She’s a friend. Just a friend.” Famous last words. My smile grows. I don’t believe it for a second. “Like I said, we ran into each other at the store and had coffee. I’ve spent a lot of time with her since. She’s very nice and so supportive. It’s been hard since you left. You’ll like her.”
“I’m sure I will. She sounds sweet.”
“I’m so glad to hear your voice, love. I’ve been worried. So you’re fine?” He sounds unsure.
“Yes, I’m doing well. You can stop worrying.” I’m sure to sound like I mean it.
“Any idea as to when you’ll be coming home? Your apartment is fine. I watered your plant. I might bring it here if you are going to be gone for too much longer.”
“I’m sure I’ll be home soon.”Why didn’t I tell him that he’ll see me next week?
“Dinner is nearly ready, Andy,” a feminine voice shouts from the background.
“Thanks, sweethea— Mary,” he quickly says.
I stifle a giggle and smile wider. Just a friend, my ass. I think it’s great.
“I have to go, Dad. I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“It means so much. I’ve been really worried about you. I miss you.”
“Miss you too, Dad. I love you.”
“Love you too, poppet.”
I end the call.