Page 96 of Red Fire
Must protect female.
I want to pull Tank’s eyeballs from his head. I want to break him, make him bleed, and then finish him with fire. How? I’m so damned weak.
I am strong!
I save female.
Protect female.
Tank turns his evil-as-fuck eyes on me. I need to let my dragon take over. I need to let him take the reins. We’re stronger together. He’s much stronger than I will ever be. It’s hard for me to give up the control I’ve worked so hard to maintain. I have todo it if I’m going to save Octavia. If we’re going to save her. Us. Together.
My dragon gives a rumble of approval.
As I pull away and let him in, it’s the strangest thing. I feel myself grow stronger. Most of the pain subsides. A rage like I have never felt before takes over. Red settles over my vision. For a second, I panic, and then I let go. I let my dragon have the freedom he needs.
I can’t believe this. I can’t!
The pilot takes my arm and tries to pull me away. “It isn’t safe. You need to come with us.” The other pilot is halfway down the beach already.
“No!” I yank my hand free. I can’t leave him. I won’t. It’s Creed. Holy shit, it’s him. He’s here, he’s fighting Tank.
He’s…he’s losing.
“No!” I scream, tears coursing down my cheeks.
The pilot tugs on my arm again. I wish he would leave me alone.
“I’m fine,” I tell him.
“You’re not fine. This isn’t fine,” the pilot tries again. “Please, you have to come with us.” When I don’t respond, he says, “Okay. Whatever! Suit yourself, you crazy idiot, but I’m out of here.” I don’t watch as he runs away. My eyes are glued to the dragons.
Creed staggers back to his feet. Tank hit him in the ribs…again. He knows it’s Creed’s weak spot right now, and of course,the bastard plays dirty. He looks like he’s enjoying himself. Tank looks at me for a few long moments before looking back at Creed. He could probably end it right now, but he doesn’t. He is gloating. I can see it. I know that’s what he’s doing. I hate him.
“Creed!” I scream. “Please,” I whisper. “Please.” I look up at the stars in the sky.
When I look back at Creed, he seems to shake it off. I see him visibly grow bigger, stronger, somehow. His spikes seem to get sharper. His scales bristle. He growls so low that it has gooseflesh breaking out all over my body. Creed attacks Tank, moving quicker than I thought possible. He slashes his claws across Tank’s throat, drawing blood and causing him to roar in pain. As Tank stumbles backward, Creed lands a series of powerful blows, each one harder than the last.
This is good.
Tank tries to blow flames, but Creed knocks his head to the side, sending the fire into the ocean instead of into Creed. Thick steam rises. Then the black dragon tries to launch himself into the sky, but Creed bites down on his left leg. There is a sickening crunch. Creed tosses him to the side like he weighs nothing. Tank crashes onto the beach, bellowing as he rakes through the sand, leaving a deep trench. He tries to stand, but his leg won’t work. It’s broken and bleeding.
Tank shifts. “Please,” he says. “Spare me.” He puts up his hands. “Let me return to the jungle. I will leave you in peace. The human, too. Please.”
Creed blasts the male with flames so hot they’re more red than orange. Tank disintegrates into ash in a few seconds flat. Then the waves roll in, and what is left of Tank is washed away. I feel nothing but relief.
Creed shifts. It takes him a few seconds. He groans as he becomes human again, clutching his side.