Page 10 of Red Captive
“You’ll agree to everything. All of it. Whatever we tell you.” The general narrows his eyes. “You’ll play the game, Miss Harris, or else.”
“Yes.” I nod. “Fine.” I roll my eyes. I will escape the first chance I get. These assholes can go straight to hell. I’ll find a way to take care of my family. I won’t marry some asshole for money.
“Don’t try running away,” the lieutenant says, as if reading my mind. “It won’t work.” He shakes his head. “You will be caught, and there will be dire consequences.”
“Okay.” I nod. It’s anything but okay. I hate this. I hate them. I need to play along. To bide my time until a chance at freedom presents itself. That’s all there is to it.
I refuse to be given to some shifter. To be used as some kind of prized breeding vessel. As a political pawn. No! Not happening.
At the same time, ten million would be life-changing for my family. Maybe I should do as they say. I’m completely torn.
Two months later…
I continue to knead the dough, pushing into it with my palms in a rhythmic motion. My arms are much stronger than they once were. It’s like second nature after all these weeks. I’ve been on the island for just over two months and working in the kitchen for seven weeks. Sitting around was making me stir crazy. I guess I should be grateful that they let me work and move around freely in the castle. Freely. Okay, well, maybe using that term is a bit of an exaggeration. I’m far from free.
I keep working the dough, feeling the consistency slowly change until it becomes bouncier and more elastic. I know when it’s ready. I sigh as I place the dough in a large bowl, covering it with a cloth and placing it in the corner of the kitchen that gets the morning sun to proof. I wipe my brow with the back of my hand before going to the sink to clean up.
Two months and my fate still hasn’t been decided. I’m lying to everyone. They all think I’m happy and that I want to stay when all I want is to go home. It feels like I’m being lulled intobelieving that everything is going to be fine when it isn’t. I mean, right now, it isn’t bad at all. I like the dragon people. I’m even making friends. I’ve fallen into my new life and routine easily.
I hate it.
I feel like I’m sitting on a hand grenade, waiting for it to go off. I haven’t forgotten that one of these days, I’m going to be used as a political pawn. I’ll be handed over to someone and expected to marry them. Someone I don’t know or love. I know they’ll give my family a lot of money. It tempts me. I want them taken care of. I want to know they’re okay. I don’t think I can go through with it, though.
What if I can’t? Will they force me, anyway? Will I be tossed to the feral dragon men? I haven’t seen Lieutenant Jakes or the general since I got here that first day. Have they changed their minds? What is to become of me? I don’t trust them, and time is running out. I need to get home where I belong. It needs to happen before the Tribute money runs out. Before the bills start piling up again, which will be any day now. I’ve asked to speak with the general several times and I keep getting told that he will call a meeting with me soon, but it hasn’t happened.
I’m getting desperate.
My stomach clenches at the thought of my family being in trouble.
“Done already?” Tara smiles at me, pulling me from my dark thoughts. She picks up a wooden spoon and stirs a pot I know to be full of porridge. It’s Monday, so it will be oatmeal with cinnamon and honey. “I have to say, you might be a scrawny human, but you impress me more and more by the day.” Her smile widens, and her eyes twinkle.
I smile back. That means a lot coming from Tara. She was skeptical about me working in her kitchen and put me on potato-peeling duty for a whole week before letting me do anything else.
“I’m sad you’ll be leaving us one of these days.”
“Me too.” I widen my eyes, my stomach clenching all over again.
“You won’t have to work. You’ll be mated to some rich male who will worship you.”
If only that were true. I don’t know who I’ll end up with or what is even going to happen to me. Tara makes it sound magical, whereas I am well and truly in the dark.
“Are we making sticky buns this morning? I could help with those.” I lift my brows. “Or help cut up the fruit?” I point at the two men already at that station.
In many ways, it feels like I am still at home. Still working at the café, only I don’t need to serve customers, which I never really liked much, anyway. I miss making coffee. I enjoyed the grinding of the beans and the hiss of the steam. This really isn’t too different from it, and yet I may as well be on another freaking planet. I’m lonely. Bottom line, I miss my family.
“There’s a shipment of empty bottles going back to the Mainland this morning.” Tara looks at her watch. “The guys are behind with loading the truck. Maybe you could go out there, and Rex can give them a hand.” She looks over at my guard. “You can supervise them, Jen.” She winks at me.
I look over at Rex. “You up for it?”
He flexes his biceps. “Of course.” He gives me a cheeky grin. He’s good-looking. Then again, they all are. Dragon shifters are all tall, built, and seriously handsome. All of the men flirt with me, even though it’s not allowed. Rex probably more than the others. He’s a nice guy but not my type. Then again, no one is my type right now. Not with everything hanging over me. It’s been a while since I dated. My stomach clenches again. I feel tied up in knots.
I need to get the hell out of here and off this island. If only the general would speak to me and tell me what is going on. Maybe Icould calm down and hang on a bit longer. My mom could really do with the money. I’m seriously getting cold feet here.
“Okay, then,” I tell him. “Let’s go. But I must warn you, I’m a slave driver.”