Page 105 of Red Captive
“I told you that Steel has plenty of friends and even more adoring fans. There might be an execution today, but it won’t be Steel who loses his head. No, siree,” Roscoe says as we pull up. “Are you ready, my dear?” he asks me.
I take a fortifying breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Let’s do this.”
“Good luck!” Natalia says as we exit the vehicle. “I’ll be out here, demanding that Steel be released,” she says.
I turn and give her a quick smile as we start walking. Natalia isn’t as bad as I thought she was. Begrudgingly, I think she might be growing on me. The sea of chanting bodies parts as we go toward the entrance. I feel slightly better with Roscoe at my side.
They have to listen. They have to hear me out and let Steel go. I’m sure they’ll put me on the first airplane to the Mainland, but that’s okay. It’s all part of the plan. As long as Steel is released,I will be content. If he ends up imprisoned or worse because of me, I don’t know what I’ll do.
We walk straight up to the long reception desk.
The first guy in uniform does a double-take when he sees me. His name badge says “Enzo.”
The guy next to him gasps, “Miss Harris?”
“It’s you,” Enzo says. “You’re here.” He’s blinking like he can’t believe it.
“Miss Harris would like a meeting with the king,” Roscoe tells them in a curt tone.
“Or with Crown Prince Frost,” I quickly add.
“Certainly,” the shifter next to Enzo says. He picks up the phone, probably calling the royal office. I picture him speaking to that stuffy PA. “Ummmm…Miss Harris is…ummm…here to see King Arctic.” His eyes keep darting to me.
Someone says something on the other end of the line.
He nods. “No problem.” Then he puts the phone down. “You can take a seat.” He gestures to a waiting area. “Someone will be here shortly to take you through to see him.”
“Thank you.”
We go and take a seat. It’s eerily quiet until someone walks through the main entrance, and the doors open. Then the chanting is loud.
“Steel is innocent! Steel is innocent!”
Earlier, they were chanting: “Release Steel! Release Steel!”
“I doubt I will be permitted to go with you,” Roscoe tells me.
“It’s fine. I’ll be okay.”
“You’re a brave female. I never expected it of a human. Perhaps we will be okay mating with your kind.”
I laugh softly. “I’m not sure how to take that, Roscoe.”
“It is meant as a compliment.”
“In which case, thank you.” My stomach is in knots. I hope they don’t leave me waiting too long.
Someone comes and offers us something to drink but we decline. I have to work to keep from tapping my foot, from pacing, or going to demand that this hurry up. I know it won’t work, so I force myself to sit there.
A few minutes later, two guards arrive in their full uniform, including those grotesque masks.
We stand.
“You may come with us, Miss Harris. You need to wait outside, sir.”
“I’ll be fine,” I assure Roscoe.