Page 107 of Red Captive
“Yes, I will. Soon, there will be a diversion. The protestors out front are going to storm the building, and you will disappear in the chaos. Only you won’t disappear; you’ll be taken to the duke.”
“Why? What’s in it for you?”
He rubs his chin and then smiles. “I may as well fill you in on all of it.” He shrugs. “In short, I’m planning a coup.”
“You want to overthrow Arctic.”
“Oh, yes! He is a spineless idiot. He closed the tunnel, stopped the hard work. That tunnel was our father’s life’s work, his dream, and my brother just tossed it away. Arctic wants peace,” Ice spits. “Those Draigers have tried to rule us for years.Theyhaveruled us for years. Not anymore. I won’t have it.” He shakes his head. “Frost supports Arctic and not me. I’m his twin, for fuck’s sake.” His face turns pink. “He has to go as well.”
“I still don’t understand what I have to do with any of this.”
“A coup can only be successful if the one carrying it out has backers. I need backers. That’s what I’ve been working on. I am head of security, so getting rid of my brothers will be easy, but there is no point unless I am readily accepted as the new king. First, by those with power and influence and then by the Mistveil people themselves.”
I shudder at the cold way he speaks of murdering his own flesh and blood. I knew that the general was bad news. I didn’t really understand the depths of his evil until right now.
“The duke is powerful and holds influence on the island. He’s a fantastic individual to have on your side,” he goes on.
“You promised him me in exchange for his loyalty.”
“Now you’re catching on.” He smiles. “That’s exactly right. He needs someone to carry his heirs. You will ensure that I have him in my pocket.”
“Why the whole façade? Why have me meet all those candidates?”
“By then, Arctic was watching. I had to make sure that everything seemed above board. He insisted on the contract. He insisted on an array of candidates. He didn’t think it was fair that you be given to someone without a choice. He doesn’t particularly like the duke, either. It was all a ruse. You were going to choose the duke, whether you liked it or not. Plans for the coup are well underway, so chances are good I would have gotten away with it.”
“Is the lieutenant in on it?” I know he is, but I want to hear him say it. If by some miracle I get out of this, I want as much information as possible.
“Of course. I handpicked him myself.”
“What will happen to Steel?” I pull in a shuddering breath.
The general smiles. His whole face lights up. “I’m sure you can guess. You’re a smart human.”
I don’t say anything. Fear burns through my veins.
“Oh, alright, since you’re no fun, I’ll tell you. He’ll be executed, of course.”
Bile rises in my throat, but I swallow it down.
“He killed a guard,” Ice tells me. His expression is completely serious.
I snort and shake my head. “We both know that didn’t happen. You had that guard killed, just like you had Rex beaten up. You had him lie. You promised him something in return so that you could frame Steel.”
“The male, Rex, is such a sap.” Ice laughs. “He insisted on your safe return to the Mainland. Insisted that you be given the money…and for doing absolutely nothing.” He rolls his eyes. “Like that was ever going to happen.”
Poor Rex.
“He also wanted first pick when the first batch of Tributes are sent to Mistveil, so don’t feel too bad for him.”
Some of my sympathy evaporates, but I still feel sorry for him because I know his heart is in the right place.
“I’ll do anything you want; just please let Steel go. Please.”
“How? He committed terrible crimes; he needs to stand trial and face the consequences of his actions.”
“He didn’t do anything,” I say, even though I know it’s falling on deaf ears. “I’ll marry the duke. I’ll fall in line.” I use his words. The ones he used on me at the start of this whole thing.
“That’s just it; you don’t have a choice but to fall in line, Miss Harris. Everything has been decided already. You don’t have a say in the matter.” He stands, looking at his watch. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an execution to carry out.”