Page 113 of Red Captive
Natalia leaves; she slams the door behind her.
Could she be right?
It’s late. I really shouldn’t bug Arctic with this now. Suddenly, it can’t wait. I can’t wait. Natalia is right. She’s fucking right about everything. I need some advice, and Arctic is the only person who can give it to me. Also, I’ve been meaning to check to make sure he changed that blasted code. It’s time to go and find out.
I’m lying in bed, staring at the shadows on the ceiling. Natalia came to visit earlier this evening. She was shocked that Steel and I weren’t together. Shocked that I hadn’t seen him since the whole thing unfolded.
She dropped it, and we had a good time. We drank some wine and talked about nothing of importance. It was nice to let my hair down and relax. Just to forget about everything for a while.
Now, I’m stuck in my own thoughts all over again. I keep asking myself if I should just give in and go to see him. To see Steel. I miss him so much, but I’m also angry with him. We went through so much together. I’m not even talking about the sex. So much has happened, and he hasn’t had the common decency to pick up the phone and call me. A visit would be nice. Anything, really.
All I have gotten so far is nothing.
Not a damned thing.
I was a job to him. A job with benefits. Natalia was wrong when she told me he was in love with me. She had to be. This is not how people who care for each other treat each other. I suppose I could have reached out to him, but…it’s better left alone.
I have spoken to my mom and Caleb every day. It’s so good to hear their voices. They’re both so excited to see me again. I can’t wait. It’s the only thing that keeps me from falling into complete sadness. My heart hurts. It sucks to miss someone you never really had in the first place. I will get over Steel. It’s going to take some time, but I’m going to do it.
There’s a knock at my door.
I frown. It’s late. I read twenty past ten on the alarm clock next to my bed.
There’s another knock, more urgent this time. Maybe Natalia left her purse here or something.
I jump out of bed and open the door. “Did you—?”
All the air leaves me in a rush. I think my mouth drops open.
“You answered the door in a tiny nightie without even asking who it was first?” Steel growls, his eyes darkening.
“Really? Is that the first thing you have to say to me?” I fold my arms across my chest, suddenly angry. My blood starts to freaking boil. “I’m glad you came. I need to give you a piece of my mind.”
“Can we do this inside, please?”
I realize that the guards posted at my door are getting an eyeful, so I reluctantly agree with a curt nod.
We go inside, and Steel closes the door. He’s in a black shirt and jeans. His eyes are a little bloodshot. He looks amazing but also tired.
Nope. I’m not going to feel sorry for him. He doesn’t deserve my sympathy. He doesn’t deserve anything from me.
“You just dumped me. I thought we had something special. I thought that—”
Steel grips my hips and kisses me. I’m an idiot because I kiss him back. At least I start to kiss him back, and then I remember that I’m pissed at him and push him away. “You didn’t even check in on me, Steel. You’ve ignored me flat, and it hurts.” My voice hitches.
“I did check in on you. I checked in twice a day with the guards I handpicked to take care of—”
“You didn’t check on me.You!” I give him a shove, but of course, he doesn’t budge. “Here I was falling in love with your sorry ass, and you… You know what? Never mind. I’m stupid. We had sex twice. It was nothing. Less than nothing. I’m leaving in two days.”
He grins.
“What are you smiling at?” I shout at him, putting my hands on my hips.
“You’re in love with me?”