Page 17 of Red Captive
I shake my head. It’s not that I don’t want to help my people. To do the right thing. It’s that I don’t trust myself in any kind of role that holds responsibility. A role where others could be hurt…or worse. I failed dismally before; why not again? I don’t trust anyone or anything. Not even my own fucking shadow. It is what it is, and I am highly justified in feeling the way I do.
“What do you say, Steel?”
“I need time to decide. I need—”
“We don’t have the luxury of time. You need to decide right now. You owe me.” He looks me in the eye. We both just stand there staring at one another for a few long seconds. “What do you say?” His stare continues to bore into mine. “Will you do the right thing?”
There is a knock at my door, and I jump up off the bed. It feels like I’ve been locked inside this room for days instead of hours. Seven hours and forty-two minutes, to be exact. I haven’t seen anyone in all of this time. I’ve been left to contemplate my fate. There will be consequences. The lieutenant was clear about that.
“Come in,” I say, expecting them to do it, anyway. My hands are clutched in front of me. I’m expecting the general to walk into the room. I know he will be angry. I almost made it off the island. I was so close.
The door opens, and two masked guards come inside, standing before me. What are they planning? Am I going to be given to someone now? Will I be married off? Or thrown into the jungle to the feral men who live there? Will my family be left with nothing? I shudder at the thought.
Caleb will be taken away and end up in foster care. If something like that happened, my mom would be devastated. It would adversely affect her health.
No! I need to stay strong for them.
“Come with us, Miss Harris,” one of the guards says as he walks toward me. The second one follows behind him.
I’m in a lavish room in the palace. It reminds me of a hotel room. It would fit any five-star hotel, and yet I am no less a prisoner.
“Where are you taking me?” I ask.
“You must come with us,” the other one says, looking at his watch. “Right now.” He adds, “Or we will be late.”
“Late for what?”
“For the punishment,” he growls. I can’t see their faces, but I know that they are angry with me. I’m not sure why. They would do exactly the same had the tables been turned. I tried to escape. I’m a prisoner, so that is to be expected.
“Punishment?” I narrow my eyes. “What are you going to do to me?”
The first one grips my arm and not too gently. I might have bruises there later. When I don’t follow, his grip tightens, and he pulls me along.
Yep, I’m definitely going to have bruises.
“No, leave me alone.” I try to pull free, but it doesn’t work. He’s too strong. “I want to go home.”
“You can’t go home,” the second one says, using a harsh tone. “You need to watch.”
Watch. I frown. Watch what? What are they talking about?
I am dragged along the hallways. Some are lined with armor. Others show tapestries depicting dragons and men in various stages of shift. There are those showing battles, and others are of feasts, all the images swirling together in a dizzying array of colors and people.
We enter a large hall, and even though it is still daylight, torches flicker on the stone walls. I’ve never been in this part of the palace. Before long, we enter a hallway; it’s one I recognize.It takes us to the operations side of the palace, where all the work happens. I get the familiar scent of baking bread and laundry being done.
By now, I have accepted my fate and walk alongside the guard. His grip on me has relaxed somewhat as we go through one of the back doors that leads outside. They are walking fast; I am almost jogging to keep up. No one says anything, which is weird. I start to ask a question but bite it back. I get the feeling that they aren’t going to tell me anything.
I am marched down several passageways. I don’t see anyone other than guards. Still, no one says anything. I wish I knew what was going on. Why won’t they tell me?
Then we head up a set of spiral stairs that lead out into a side alley. I’ve never been to this section either. Once again, I am astounded by the vastness of the castle. By now, my hair is sticking to my neck and brow. It’s hot and humid despite it being late in the afternoon. The sun is already low in the sky. It won’t be more than an hour or two before it sets. I’ve given up trying to figure out what’s going on. I’ll drive myself nuts if I keep going through all of the many scenarios, each one worse than the last.
I hear the sound of a big crowd somewhere close by. There are murmurs of people talking under their breath. Lots of people, from the sounds of it.
We round a corner, and I find myself in a large courtyard that is surrounded by high stone walls adorned with intricate carvings of dragons. In the center stands a large fountain, the water cascading down in what should be a soothing rhythm. It isn’t. I’m on edge. My heart beats faster and faster, and my palms feel sweaty. The air is charged. It feels wrong. It’s tense. The gardens beyond the courtyard are filled with lush greenery, with colorful blooming flowers and neatly trimmed hedges, but my eyes are quickly drawn to Rex.