Page 35 of Red Captive
“Don’t tell me you’re falling for her crap.”
“I’m not falling for anything,” I say under my breath. “I told you that I don’t care either way. I have a job to do. The end!” So, she was lying. I knew it. I fucking knew it. I’m not sure why I’m so shocked to hear it. Or why I even tested the theory to begin with. That’s what this was; it was me checking up on her story. I wanted to know.
Miss Harris laughs from the other room. She asks the count another question, playing the role perfectly.
“You don’t have to worry about me or about her. We both know what’s expected of us. If I fall for her bull and she escapes, you can cut my head from my shoulders.”
“You can be sure I will.” His voice is low and icy cold. “Once is a mistake, but twice…”
“I’ll get her down the aisle. I will make sure she honors her agreement with you.”
“Good.” The line goes dead.
I sigh as I get into the vehicle, buckling up immediately. It doesn’t take long for Steel to settle in next to me, seeming to take up more than half of the back seat. Then we’re moving, making our way back to the palace.
That went better than expected. Although August was a little full of himself, he wasn’t a bad person. He tried hard to impress me, even if he went about it in the wrong way. Namely,thingsdon’t interest me. His home is beautiful, but I would be just as comfortable in a smaller house. I don’t need staff to wait on me, or fancy cars.
“He seemed nice,” I say, trying to fill the silence.
Steel grunts.
“You don’t think he’s nice?”
The grunt didn’t sound positive.
Steel shrugs. “If you’re attracted to a male with his head stuck up his own ass, then you should pick Count Augustine, for sure.”
I laugh. “You’re right; he was a little conceited.”
“He’s boring and would love himself more than he would ever love you…but if you’re—”
“This isn’t about love.” I feel a stab in my heart.
Steel grunts again, sounding annoyed. He keeps his eyes focused outside the vehicle. I note that he perks up whenever there is a woman. He seems to scrutinize them. It doesn’t matter if it’s a blonde or a brunette. Whether they’re older or younger. They all get equal scrutiny. A woman getting out of a parked car. There’s another walking on the sidewalk. Steel turns his head to get a good look at her.
“Are you trying to find someone in particular?” I ask him. I noted that he did the same when we headed out. He’s looking for something or someone.
“Yes.” He nods his head, glancing my way. His dark eyes are filled with anguish for a moment, and then he looks away. “A fugitive. She cost someone very important to me their life. I’ve made it my mission to find her.” When he looks back, his eyes have hardened again.
“Who is she? Who died?” I want to know more. “How was she involved in the death? I take it she didn’t cause this death directly. Or did she?” I force myself to stop asking questions.
Of course, Steel doesn’t give me more. “It doesn’t matter who she is or what she did.”
It clearly matters. He’s still looking for this fugitive, waiting for us to pass another lady so that he can check to see if it’s this mysterious “her.”
“How long has she been on the run?”
“Four years.”
“Wow! That’s a long time. This island can’t be that big.” I frown.
“She’s in hiding. Someone must be helping her. She can’t hide forever.”
I would hate to have Steel after me. He looks like the type to go after something with dogged determination. Depending on his intentions, that could be amazing, and it could be…terrifying.