Page 42 of Red Captive
I hope she chooses anyone but him. Augustine seems like a saint next to the duke. A fucking saint. I can’t believe she’s actually going to mate with one of these assholes for money and a lavish lifestyle. I can’t believe it! Then again, Icanand should believe it. Some people would do anything for money. They’d sell their own soul.
I struggle to picture her in that light. As a fraudster. A con artist. She doesn’t seem like the type. Then again, I am a terrible judge of character. I’m the worst. That I’m even thinking along these lines should have me on my guard. Fact of the matter is that the human is probably playing the duke rather than the other way around. Even though I’m thinking it, it doesn’t make me feel any better. It doesn’t quite compute.
It’s just that she seems so sincere when she talks about her family. Especially about her little brother. I touch my thigh. She knew all about a Palestine yellow scorpion or deathstalker. That’s not something anyone would know. If her brother loves creepy crawlies, more specifically scorpions, it would make sense. Would the general lie to me about something so important? I feel like someone is lying. Maybe both of them. I scrub a hand over my face. I hate this. I should never have gotten involved. I’m in it now, so I have to see it through.
“You should probably stop pacing,” one of the males assigned to the convoy tells me as he steps up to me, blocking my path.
I look up, ready to argue, expecting hostility, but am met with concern.
“It’s not like I have anything better to do,” I tell him. “I don’t like this,” I say under my breath, shaking my head. “I should beinside there.” I point at the doors, and the duke’s guards stand taller.
He smiles. Maybe he doesn’t know who I am. He wouldn’t be this nice if he did.
“No shit! It’s clear as day that you don’t like this situation, but your nervous energy is freaking out the duke’s guards. Miss Harris will be done soon enough.”
I take another look over there and they are all standing in a line, still blocking the door. All of their eyes are on me.
“Do they think I’m going to try to charge inside?”
He chuckles. “Are you?”
I guess I am giving off aggressive vibes. I would like nothing better than to plow through them and to find the human.
I push out a heavy breath. “If my charge doesn’t come out soon, I might. She’s been in there for over three hours now.” I keep checking the watch in my backpack pocket.
“The human was with the count for over four hours and with that idiot, Jasper, for nearly five.”
I grunt. He’s right; I’m overthinking this whole thing.
“If you want, we could fly around the castle and keep an eye on things? I’ll let the duke’s guards know that we are keeping the perimeter secure.” He shrugs. “I’ll report back to you if I see or hear anything suspicious.”
I nod once. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Thanks,” I say after him as he goes over to the others, relaying our discussion.
There’s nodding. One or two of the males look over at me. Four of them are heading out, and two are remaining here. Then he goes over to the duke’s guards and has a conversation with them, too.
The male – I feel bad; I can’t remember his name – shifts, and the others follow suit. Then they head out. I watch them take off one by one. I feel slightly better, but not enough to relax.
I won’t be able to do that until Jen…Miss Harris is out here where I can see her. Fuck that prick, calling me an untrained puppy. If there’s an untrained pup anywhere around here, it’s him. The male hasn’t worked a day in his fucking life. He doesn’t know what hardship and sweat are.
I realize I’m pacing again and force myself to stop. I force myself to relax. It’s fine. Miss Harris is fine. It’s all going to be—
A scream punches through the air, causing adrenaline to rush through my body. The scream was made by a female and clear as day. My hackles go up. A few scales push up to my skin, rubbing hard. My dragon urges me to shift. He wants to protect the female.
My entire focus is on what’s happening inside that castle. On finding Jen, on homing in on her. I checked as we flew in, and aside from the three turrets, there are four wings to the building. It’s big as fuck. Going in the wrong direction could cost me time.
“Stand back,” a guard growls at me. I realize that I have stalked toward them. That I am only eight or ten feet away from them. I didn’t even realize that I was moving.
“Stop,” the one in the middle growls. “Stand down,” he adds.
“You may not enter,” one of the others says.
There’s another scream just as a dragon lands behind me. Its roar turns into a yell as he shifts. “It’s the human. She’s in trouble. Lowest turret in the west wing,” he shouts as three dragons land behind him.
I don’t wait. I shift, my clothing ripping from my body. Fire and flame shoot from my maw before I’m even fully shifted, engulfing the guards at the door. Using my tail, I sweep them from my path as they scream and writhe.
I roar, more flames shooting from my mouth.
The lowest turret.