Page 8 of Red Captive
“The female could be an asset to you, Sire,” the lieutenant goes on. “Besides, the king would never approve if we didn’t do right by this young lady.” I get the distinct impression that he couldn’t give a shit about me.
“Hmmmmmm.” The general scratches his chin, once again sizing me up.
“Can I point out that I’m a person? I have a life, a home, people who love me,” I plead. “Please do the right thing. Please send me back to the Mainland on the flight that leaves in two days. Please,” I add. “You said your king would want to do right by me. That would be the right thing to do.” I attempt a smile, but I’m too nervous.
“You might have a point there, Jakes.” The general nods, smiling. “The two of you are dismissed.” He flicks a finger at the door.
“But, Sire, we—”
“Leave! Before I have you thrown in jail or sent to live in the jungle. You fucked up royally. Be grateful you’re leaving with your heads on your shoulders. I don’t want to hear so much as a word more on the matter. I might change my mind otherwise. You brought me the wrong fucking female.”
“Yes, Sire,” they say in unison. “Will you let me know when you are ready to proceed with the extraction of the correct female?” Igor asks.
“Yes, yes. Out!” He waves a hand.
Igor and Titan leave the big office. I have a feeling I won’t be granted the same privilege.
“Please let me go. I’m of no use to you,” I insist. “I’m human and breakable. You said it yourself.”
“She is afertilefemale of childbearing age. We’ll have males lining up at a chance to have her. Wealthy influential males at that.”
“No…you can’t.” I shake my head. “I don’t want kids. I’m too young for marriage.”
“My brother won’t approve,” the general says as if I’m not even here. “Arctic will insist that we release her. That we send her back to the Mainland. Since he’s the king, we won’t have much choice but to obey. I can’t keep her without his approval.”
“I am sure that he will. You will have to convince him.”
“How?” The general frowns.
I shake my head. “You don’t need to convince anyone of anything because I want to go home.” I fold my arms. “I want to speak with your king.”
“That isn’t necessary, human,” the lieutenant says to me before looking at the general. “I am sure you will be able to convince Arctic that Miss Harris wanting to stay here on Mistveil is the best way forward for everyone involved, including her. We’ll need to convince him that she wants to stay.”
“Are you insane?” I push out. “I don’t want to stay. I won’t change my mind about that. How can any of what you have just said be good for me?”
“I’m glad you asked,” the lieutenant says. “It’s simple. Do as we say, and we will make sure you end up with one male and one male only. You will not be shared or hurt or abused in any way. You will be revered and cherished and will want for nothing. You’ll live a lavish life. You’ll be rich.”
“I don’t want to be given to some man.” My voice is shrill. “And I think what you’re trying to say is that my husband will be rich, and I’ll be his sex slave. Even worse, I’ll be his baby-making slave. Sorry, but that doesn’t sound like much of a life to me. A gilt cage is still a cage.”
“Oh, the drama, Miss Harris.” The general sighs. “Is it really necessary?”
“Yes, I think it is.”
“Come now, Miss Harris, you need to make peace with your future, or I will personally see to it that you are thrown to the dogs. We have a massive shortage of females here on Mistveil,” the lieutenant says.
That would go a long way to explaining the behavior of the shifters from earlier, even if it doesn’t condone it for one second.
“There are plenty of dogs here on Mistveil. Dogs who would love to tear into a tasty little treat like you. You’d be passedaround and used until you can’t so much as walk. I will make sure that is your fate if you don’t cooperate with us.”
“No.” I shake my head. “You can’t do that.”
“Yes.” His voice is cold. “Our jungles are full of outcast feral males. You would never be seen or heard from again. You’ll long for death, and if you are lucky, it will find you. You’ll be used in the worst way possible. Is that what you want?”
I gasp, covering my mouth, the blood draining from my body. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, but I am. I’m deadly serious. You play the game and do as we say. You pretend you’re happy to go along with everything or else. Don’t you dare try me.”
“No.” I shake my head. “I want to go home. I have to go home. My family needs me. I’m their only means of support. You can throw me to the feral dragons. I don’t care. I won’t keep my mouth shut. I won’t go along with any of this, so help me!” I yell.