Page 108 of A Shard of Ice
“That doesn’t matter right now. What did they say?”
“A couple of them arrived as we were finishing supper. They took her.” Her voice gets wobbly, and her eyes get watery. “They said something about her not having signed in at the entrance to the icefae territory. Apparently, you need to sign in when you arrive, but she never did. They barked questions at her that she couldn’t answer, and then they took her. It didn’t matter that Elsie explained that she was her cousin, my niece. They dragged her off anyway. I’ve been waiting for word, but so far, there has been none.” She shakes her head. “I’m starting to suspect the worst.”
“Okay, I need to go. Don’t—”
She grabs my hand. “Elsie mentioned something after they had gone. She and Kyrie ran into some guards this morning at the market, and one seemed to recognize her. He called her real name and asked her if she was from the salt mines. Elsie said that it shook her up. That she tried to hide it, but it was apparent. Elsie asked me more than once what was going on.”
“Did you tell Elsie anything?”
Merna shakes her head. “No, I decided it was too dangerous. I insisted that Kyrie was Sindy from Hollyoaks and that everything would be sorted out. They might bring us in for questioning soon. I need Elsie to believe the story.”
I take both her hands in mine. “You did the right thing, Merna. I’m sorry I brought this to your door.”
“Don’t be silly, my boy. I agreed to help. I knew what the consequences might be.”
I start to turn to leave, but she grabs me. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to rescue Kyrie.”
Her eyes turn hazy with fear. “Please be careful, Damon. If you are captured, then all is lost.”
“I won’t be captured, but even if I am, or worse, all is not lost. I assure you of that.”
We look at each other for a few seconds. I see realization dawn in Merna’s eyes. I am not the only lost king. I can’t actually say the words, but she knows what I am trying to convey.
“Take care of yourself, Merna.” I am hopeful that her age and popularity at the castle will be enough to keep her safe.
“May the gods be with you, lad,” Merna tells me as I turn and leave.
I retrace my steps as quickly as I can and return to the room with the doors. I place the lantern down in case I need it later. Then I decide to start in the great hall. Perhaps Snow is using her mirror. I look at the door that leads to the dungeons. It is more for escape than for observation. If Kyrie is there, it’s going to be tough to find her without getting seen and even more difficult to get her out. I can do it, though. I must!
I will first explore other options. I’m sure that either Hali or Simone saw Kyrie earlier today. Chances are good that Snow has asked for her to be detained. It stands to reason that Snow will want to see her.
Am I too late?
I refuse to believe it. My heart races as I make my way to the great hall. When I get there, I shove the slot aside with a shaking hand. The hall is empty. Not a single light flickers. The mirror ripples, moving like liquid silver. There is no sign of Snow or anyone else, for that matter.
On my way back to the room, I run through all the options and keep landing on one.
The royal chambers.
I need to go there next. Then I’ll go to the dungeons. I must find Kyrie. The sense of urgency I’m feeling is rising with every beat of my heart.
I race through the door that leads to her chamber. I move as fast as I can without making a noise. It won’t help anything if I am captured before I can help Kyrie or if both of us end up behind ice bars.
I hear their voices before I reach the chamber. It’s them. Snow has Kyrie. On the one hand, my heart races with excitement. I found her. Kyrie is alive…she’s still alive. On the other, it sinks because she’s in the belly of the beast.
Snow could strike her down at any second. I want to burst into the room, but I can’t. I have to pull myself together for Kyrie.
My female is a survivor; she’ll do what it takes. She’ll handle Snow. I have to believe that, at least for the time being.
I push the slot aside and put my eye to the peephole.
They’re facing one another. Kyrie looks surprisingly fine. She’s standing tall, her eyes locked on Snow.
“Let’s try again,” Snow says. “How did you get into icefae territory?” She holds up a finger and narrows her eyes on Kyrie. “This time, if you lie to me, I will cut off your air supply until you faint, and I will revive you and do it again. I enjoyed watching your face go blue earlier. The color suits you and happens to be my favorite.” She giggles.
My blood prickles in my veins with ice shards. Snow hurt Kyrie. My blood goes from cold to white hot with anger. If that evil witch touches so much as a hair on Kyrie’s head, I will not be able to hold myself back.