Page 116 of A Shard of Ice
Many more take their place. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of them. They keep spilling into the tunnel. We’re never going to get out of this. If Damon uses his power, we’ll be caught at an exit. If he doesn’t, we’ll soon be overrun and eaten. We can’t win.
We’ve beaten everything that has been thrown at us, including Snow, and yet this could be the end. I feel anger grow inside me, and with it, something else, a buzzing in my veins. It’s the same sensation as when Snow was hitting me with her bolt of magic. I look at my hands, and they’re glowing.
I think it’s magic.
It has to be.
Damon is about to be overrun. He slashes frantically to and fro.
I run toward him, screaming. As I pass him, I let loose a torrent of bright white light. It shoots from each of my fingertips, widening as it leaves me. It engulfs the rats, turning them into smoking piles of ash in the blink of an eye. Their screeches turn to short, agonizing cries before falling silent. The rats further to the back of the tunnel turn and flee, screeching in terror. I dust my hands off, looking down at them. They look the same as before. They’re not glowing. It’s like it never happened. If not for the many piles of ash and smoldering bodies, I would have a hard time believing it.
I turn, and Damon’s mouth is gaping in shock.
“What…what just happened?” he asks.
“I don’t know.” I shake my head.
Damon scratches his jaw. His eyes narrow and then widen. “Kakara’s cat.” He smiles.
“What is it? You know, don’t you?”
“Snow fell to the floor after she shot you with her magic. She kept on saying something about something being stolen from her. I think some of her magic must have gone into you. Maybe even all of it…I don’t know.” He shrugs.
I look down at my hands again. “I don’t feel anything. Maybe it was a one-time thing.”
“Perhaps.” He doesn’t look convinced. He’s looking at me strangely.
“You did it, love.” He smiles. “You saved us.”
“You could’ve saved us just as easily.” I get a thought that has me worried. “Do you think she could feel me use the magic like she can feel you if you use yours?”
Damon sighs, his eyes turning hazy with worry. “I don’t know. If she did, then they’ll capture us when we leave. If not, she won’t have a clue where we are, so she’ll keep checking the usual routes.”
“I messed up, then. I shouldn’t have done that.”
He takes my hand. “You didn’t mess up, Ky. I was about to blast them myself. We know she can definitely track my power. At least with you, we have a chance.”
I giggle. “I can’t believe it.” I look down at my hands. I think about magic. About power. I look for that buzzing sensation, and my hands start to glow as the feeling hits my veins.
Damon chokes out a laugh.
“It’s there,” I say. “I could do it again if I wanted to.”
“You might have to if we’re ambushed out there.” He points down the tunnel. “I don’t think we have too far to go.”
Not too far turns out to be an age. My legs are wobbly, my thighs ache, and despite the cold, sweat has beaded on my brow by the time we see murky light up ahead. We’ve walked all night.
“This is it,” Damon says.
We creep along the edge of the tunnel. I strain to hear anything outside but all I get is the soft patter of rain. My eyes adjust more and more to the light as we get closer.
If they’re there, they’re being very quiet. I don’t hear the sound of horses’ hooves or the familiar snorts and nickers of the beasts. Perhaps they tied them up away from the cave entrance.
We look at one another for a few long moments. Damon nods once and takes my hand as we emerge from the cave.
There is nothing but desolate landscape before us. There isn’t a living soul.