Page 22 of A Shard of Ice
Damon hits it on the head, stunning it for a moment, or I’d be dead already. Now, he half drags me to the camels, pushing me beneath the creatures’ legs.
They shriek as the wurm attacks again. The camels leap, forcing themselves deeper into the crevice. I get knocked to the side, pressing my back against the rock wall. The ground vibrates with each impact of the wurm’s massive body. I gasp, trying to hold back another scream. I get the feeling that the noise only serves to incite the beast even further.
In the chaos, I catch a glimpse of Damon darting up and down; he throws well-aimed rocks. His movements are quick and agile but don’t hold much weight against the huge beast.
The camels kick out as the wurm lashes its spiked tail dangerously close, breaking off stony chunks of rock that clatter all around. I turn my head, closing my eyes. My heart is pounding in my chest as I pray for some miracle to save us from this nightmare.
It comes in the form of Damon.
“Close your eyes!” he yells.
They are already tightly shut, but I see it anyway. A big flash of blinding white light. The camels bellow in fear, and the wurm roars in agony. There is a crashing noise as it makes a hasty retreat into the depths of the sand.
Wurms can’t abide light. It hurts them. It blinds them.
The smell of magic is around us. It smells clean and of power. Like how the air is charged after a particularly aggressive storm.
I open my eyes and see Damon standing in front of me, his hands glowing with residual energy.
I look around in shock, trying to process what just happened. The camels are huddled next to me, trembling but unharmed. I am amazed that I didn’t get trodden underfoot.
Aside from a few scrapes and bruises, I am unharmed too and all because of him. He looks somehow taller and stronger. I can’t quite make out his facial features.
“You did it.” I sound in total awe.
“We got lucky,” he says in a deep voice that I recognize. Once again, I am reminded of my friend.
“It was hardly luck. It was you,” I tell him. After a few beats, I add, “Thank you.” He risked his life to save us.
“You should try to get back to sleep.”
Kakara would be so lucky. I doubt there will be any sleep for me tonight. Not after that.
“I want to check on Cyrano first. Is that okay?”
“Be quick,” he urges, standing and looking out over the dark of the desert.
“I will.” I nod and carefully make my way over to where Cyrano is lying, squeezing into the crevice. I put my hand on his cheek, feeling warmth. Still alive but perhaps too warm to the touch. I wouldn’t be surprised if those wounds are becoming infected, and without all of the necessary herbs and tinctures, my hands are tied.
I sigh with both relief and worry.
“How is he doing?” Damon whispers.
“Still alive,” I say simply.
I retrieve the blanket and start toward the bedroll.
“I want you to sleep with the camels.”
“There’s no space inside there. I almost got trampled.”
“They won’t stand on us if they can help it.”
I choke out a laugh. “You’re not doing such a good job of convincing me.” I realize that I’m still smiling and force myself to stop.
We are no longer friends. Even if he saved us from that wurm, it doesn’t change anything.