Page 63 of A Shard of Ice
We walk, and we walk, and we walk some more. The tunnel has now narrowed so much that we have to walk in single file. Damon takes up the rear. He has also lit a lantern because one was no longer sufficient. We trudge along. The air smells and tastes stale, and the temperature steadily rises again. It feels oppressive and stifling. I try not to think about it too much, or I might just lose my sanity. Instead, I hold Damon’s hand a little tighter and concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.
We stop and I realize that we have reached a split in the tunnel.
“Which way?” Xander asks Damon.
“The left tunnel will take us right through the mountain to the other side.”
“Far away from any scouting parties hoping to pick up on the bounty,” Thesha says.
“That’s right.” Damon nods. “But without horses, it will take us an age to get back. The right tunnel will take us to an exit not far up from where we entered. We will be at risk of being recaptured, but we can get out of these caves more quickly.”
“I would love to get out of the caves,” Thesha says.
“Me, too,” I tell them. I picture a whole pack of rats coming after us, and every hair on my body stands on end.
“The right tunnel it is, then,” Xander says. “The bloodfae don’t know where the tunnel leads, or do they?”
“No.” Damon shakes his head. “There are many tunnel systems under this mountain. The mine hasn’t operated in many years, so most icefae don’t even know how to navigate them. Let alone a foreign species.”
“So, it’s a safe bet that they won’t know where we exit,” Xander remarks.
“Pretty safe,” Damon agrees.
We start down the tunnel in question. After a short while, it narrows out even further, making it even more cramped. The men have to walk crouched over. The air feels thin, but that’s probably my imagination. For a while, I start to think that perhaps Damon had gotten it wrong, maybe he made a mistake, but then the air gets cooler. It feels easier to breathe, and the tunnel starts to open up. It feels less oppressive by the second.
By the time we make it to the mouth of the cave, the sky is a murky gray instead of black as darklifts and a new day begins.We walk out of the entrance, pulling in lungfuls of air. The breeze on my skin feels amazing.
“We can head east for a while before slowly doubling back,” Xander whispers.
“Or we could hole up in the cave and rest up before carrying on. Kyrie is tired,” Damon says.
Damon is right; I am tired, and my thighs ache, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to be responsible for holding us up and getting us captured. “I’m fine. Let’s keep going.”
“Are you sure?” Damon turns to face me. His bright blue eyes are filled with concern.
I nod. “Yes.”
“We’ll take a break soon enough.” Xander starts to walk. We hike through what’s left of the pine forest. There are patches where the trees are still clinging to life, but for the most part, they’re dead. Some have toppled over. Many more still stand, leafless, lifeless, and stark against a barren landscape. It’s desolate and dark and depressing.
By the time we stop, I’m shaking with fatigue. Damon puts a hand on my lower back, trying to offer support.
“Let’s make camp and take a break,” Xander declares.
Thesha yawns.
I can barely keep my eyes open despite the terrible cold, or maybe because of it. I pull my oilskin coat tighter.
There are two bedrolls, one from each saddlebag. Damon spreads one out.
“The ground is ice cold.” Xander’s breath mists from his mouth as he talks. “The humans are at risk of freezing to death.” He also lays out a bedroll.
“Good thing you’re going to keep me warm,” Thesha tells Xander.
“You’d better believe it.” He kisses her softly.
“You see, the caves were a good idea.” He speaks in a low voice. We all do.
“You are known for your great ideas, babe.” Thesha grins; she looks exhausted. Come to think of it, the men do, too.