Page 71 of A Shard of Ice
“The humans in this part of the kingdom are known to still be friendly toward the fae,” Xander says.
“Why?” I ask and then shrug. “No offense, but things are strained between our species because…well…”
“Most fae have turned into giant pricks,” Thesha finishes for me. “Not by choice, but hey…it is what it is.”
I shrug. “Exactly right.”
“Icefae don’t need humans to generate magic. Just a lot of ice and snow, and there’s plenty of both of those at the Ice Court, so the humans are left relatively in peace in this kingdom,” Xander explains.
“That makes sense. I’m glad to hear it,” Damon says. “So, they should be hospitable, then?”
“We will soon find out.” Xander shrugs, and we keep walking.
All I can think about is why we got here when we did. Why not a few minutes later? Even ten seconds more would have been nice. I was listening to the story about Snow coming to the Ice Court. About how she fell in love. It must have been with Damon. Did he love her back? He spoke highly of her. Not just of her outward beauty but of her heart, too. Is there a part of him that still loves her?
Maybe there is more to his quest than just toppling her. Maybe he wants to save her as well. Maybe…
It doesn’t matter. We’re traveling together for a little while longer, and then I’ll probably never see Damon again. Just the thought has my eyes filling with tears and my throat clogging.
I’m an idiot!
This is a ridiculous reaction.
There is a villager working in one of the fields. As soon as he catches sight of us, he runs for his house, slamming the door.
“That doesn’t bode well.” Damon pulls his coat more firmly around himself.
“I think we’ll avoid that cabin, shall we?” Thesha shakes her head. “You would swear we were trolls or fae soldiers dressed in full garb.”
“Do we just walk up to a house and knock on a door?” Kyrie asks as we near the first homestead. It’s a small cabin with a thatched roof and smoke curling lazily from the chimney. A small, mangy dog jumps up from under a carriage and barks at us, hackles raised.
There is laughter of children from the cabin next door but as soon as they see us, they flee to the safety of the house as well.
The dog keeps barking, eyes on us.
“Hopefully, someone will let us in before this storm hits,” I say. The sky is getting darker. There’s a soft rumble, indicating that a storm is going to hit any minute.
We approach the door of the cabin, and I give a firm knock. We wait, the anticipation heavy in the air. When there is no answer, I knock again, getting the same result: nothing. I’m certain that there is someone inside. I can’t say I blame them for being afraid.
“I don’t think they’re feeling hospitable,” Thesha says, scrunching up her nose.
We start toward the next house. Xander falls back, keeping an eye on our rear. Although it’s doubtful that the fae are lying in wait, it is still a possibility we can’t afford to ignore.
There is a goat tied to the side of the house; it bleats as we approach. I note the small pail and milking chair. There is some milk at the bottom of the pail. It looks like someone abandoned their work and fled to the safety of their house. I have a feeling we are going to get the same welcome as at the last home.
I try anyway, knocking softly. “Good day.” I knock again. “We are looking for lodging and food. We have coin.” I look over at Xander, who nods.
When there is no answer, we keep walking. Homestead after homestead.
“What are we going to do?” Kyrie asks. “Perhaps they’re nervous because there are four of us.”
“It’s more likely because of me and Damon,” Xander says, looking at me.
I nod. Xander and I are not exactly small. We’re tall and muscular. After my years in the salt mines, I’m even bigger than ever. I’m sure the two of us look imposing. It doesn’t help that we’re armed. I don’t blame these folk for being afraid. Our whole realm has become a harsh and inhospitable environment.