Page 76 of A Shard of Ice
“If only.” Thesha sounds wistful.
I’m reeling a little. Is that what I expected? To topple Snow and then to return to Kyrie, to find her alive and well and waiting, even though I would never ask that of her. Perhaps Xander is right. Thinking that way will make it easier to leave her.
It doesn’t matter what I want or what I will end up longing for.
It doesn’t change anything. If Kyrie died at my side, I would never forgive myself. I have to try to protect her as best I can.
I soak up the warmth for a time, and then I get to work washing off all the dirt and grime. I wash my hair twice.
I finally force myself to get out of the bath. It was wonderful. I can’t remember the last time I felt this clean. Warm water…it is a blessing. The gods must be looking down on us. I pull out the plug and marvel at how the water disappears down through a hole and down a pipe under the bath. There is a fire that heats a tank of water. It is a simple matter of turning a tap to fill the bath back up again. I had heard of such washrooms but had never actually used one before. Back on the farm, we had to painstakingly boil water in a steel tub, so baths were a rarity. A treat. We mostly just jumped into the river to clean. Or washed with warm water out of a pail.
I wrap a towel around myself and throw another log on the fire, then I turn to the pile of dresses and smocks. There are also some chemises and breeches. I suspect that Isolde rode horses. I noticed a small herd of them in the field behind Grigor’s cabin.
I pull out a cotton smock that covers me well enough and then rummage through the pile of clothing. I eventually settle on a pretty blue dress. It’s impractical and silly, but I’m going to wear it, anyway. It’ll just be for a short while. I’m feeling exhausted. Even though I only had one goblet, the blackberry wine, together with the warm bath, has left me feeling sleepy. My eyelids are heavy.
I yawn as I pull the dress over my head. I really hope that Grigor has a couple of beds. At least enough for all of us. What I wouldn’t give for a soft mattress and a feather pillow.
Then I finish up, brushing my teeth and hair and cleaning up after myself. I exit the washroom.
The talking at the table stops, and everyone looks at me. Damon’s mouth falls open; his eyes trace my form, moving up and down in a slow fashion that does things to my belly.
“Ahhhh, it’s the lovely Kyrie. Did you enjoy your bath?” Grigor asks.
I struggle to take my eyes off Damon. The way he is looking at me has everything inside me heating and pulling tight like a cord about to snap.
I lick my lips. “It was wonderful. I can’t thank you enough.”
“You look…you…” Damon clears his throat, finally looking me in the eye. “I’ve only ever seen you in pants and a chemise. The dress looks lovely on you, Kyrie. I mean, I…you look beautiful.”
Thesha giggles. Xander knocks her with his shoulder and gives a tiny shake of his head.
“You look quite lovely, dear. Isolde will be pleased that one of her dresses is being put to good use.” Grigor smiles; his lips are stained red by the wine.
Damon seems to snap out of it. He takes a sip from his goblet.
“I’m really quite tired,” I tell them. “Does anyone object if I go to bed?”
“Of course, of course,” Grigor says. “You are in luck; there are three bedrooms. You should be quite comfortable.”
Three bedrooms. Grigor thinks that Damon and I are together. I look over at him; my eyes feel big.
He gives me a little nod to say that it’s fine when it really isn’t. Damon and I have to share…again. This time, we will be alone. It doesn’t feel fine at all.
“Your lips will turn blue if you don’t breathe, Ky,” Thesha tells me, a smile toying with her lips. She finds this whole situation far too enjoyable for my liking.
“Come this way,” Grigor says as he walks toward stairs that lead up to the next floor. He picks up a lantern.
“I’m going to bathe. Sleep well, Kyrie.” Thesha all-out grins at me, and I feel like throwing a curse or two her way. Instead, I narrow my eyes, giving her the dirtiest look I can muster.
She laughs softly. Xander grins. It’s all one big joke.
I look over at Damon and he isn’t smiling. He looks angry; his eyes are blazing, and his tunic is pulled so tight across his broad chest it just might tear at any moment. “I’ll be up soon,” he tells me in his deep voice.
Kakara help me, but it has shivers running up and down me.