Page 78 of A Shard of Ice
“I’m tired,” I grumble. “I should be asleep. I want to sleep, but I can’t.”
“I could rub your back,” he offers. It’s an offer he’s made countless times. An offer I have made to him in return. One I canno longer accept. I like the idea of his hands on me altogether too much.
“I will be fine.”
Damon stands, and my mouth goes dry. He really is the perfect picture of a male; strong, powerful, and more than capable. Regal, too, like a king. I can easily picture a crown atop his head. I can picture him riding into battle, sword drawn, a battle cry on his lips.
Fear snakes its way through every inch of me. He has many dangers to face. Many obstacles. I only wish I could be at his side. I would be a hindrance. I’m too afraid. A weakling, not just in body but in mind too or maybe I would at least try to change his mind about us.
It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t say the words.
He blows out the candle. After a time, I realize that Damon has not come to bed. I sit up, clasping the sheet to my chest. The fool is lying on the floor. I can make out his dark shape. He’s taken his pillow and is lying there.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to sleep.”
“On the floor?”
“Yes.” He sounds like he is smiling, and quite broadly, at that.
I frown. “Why would you do that? This is a perfectly good bed with room enough for two.”
He shifts his position. “I think it best if I slept right here, Ky.”
“Why? Don’t be an idiot.”
“You know why.”
I frown. “Because we’re attracted to each other.” I huff out a breath of frustration. “If it helps any, I’m not going to jump on you in the middle of the night and…” I bite my lips and let the words die.
He puts his hands behind his head. “And what?” I think he’s smiling again.
I roll my eyes and snort. “You know very well. I won’t try anything, so you can come and sleep with me.”
“I’m afraid I can’t make the same promise, Ky.” His voice is so deep that I almost feel the vibration inside me.
My lungs fail me all over again. “Oh…um…oh. Well, okay, then…fine.” I need to stop talking.
I take the blanket off the bed, which leaves me with the sheet and a quilt. “You take this.”
“Thanks.” He grabs the blanket, puts it over himself, and lies back down. “Good night, Ky.”
“Good night.” I turn over, but my mind won’t stop working.
After a few minutes, he asks. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” I mumble.
“Out with it, or you’ll never be able to sleep. And you’re right; you need your rest.”
“Did you love Snow?” I finally push out.
There’s a pause. A really long pause. “Yes, I did.”
It’s like several poison-tipped arrows hit my heart all at once. I struggle to breathe again, but this time, for different reasons.
“I loved her once like a sister.”