Page 91 of A Shard of Ice
“It’s fine.”
I suppose he’s the one who could be recognized and not me. Damon goes first; he slowly opens the door, peeking out, looking both ways.
“It’s clear,” he says in a low voice, and we walk out into the long hallway. There are many doors along each side. The walls are made of ice, which doesn’t come as a surprise; they glow with that same eerie light. We start walking.
Before long, the sound of chatter alerts us to people approaching from the other end of the hall.
“Act natural. They won’t recognize you,” Damon whispers, stepping in closer to me, his hood obscuring his face and ears. He makes himself smaller by hunching his shoulders.
My heart beats wildly as I try to do as he asks.Act like you belong.
The voices are female, and it doesn’t take long before their owners round the corner. Both of them are in uniform – white and gold with fur lining on the edges at the bottom and around the sleeves.
The ladies don’t even look at us as we pass; they’re too engrossed in their conversation.
Damon and I give each other a look. He smiles briefly as we pick up the pace. He seems to know exactly where we are going. It doesn’t take long to get to a door. It’s plain wood with a silver knocker in the shape of an ice crystal.
Damon uses it to knock on the door.
“Coming,” someone says from inside.
It takes a few moments, but the door swings open. “Can I help you?” It’s an elderly lady with wrinkled skin and gray hair pulled back into a bun. Her eyes are blue like a winter sky. I can tell that she must have been pretty when she was younger.
Damon looks in each direction down the hall before pulling down his hood. “Merna, it’s me.”
Her eyes go as wide as the moon at the end of a cycle. Her mouth falls open.
“We need to come in,” he adds when she stands there frozen in place like an ice statue.
Merna snaps out of it. “Yes, yes, of course.” She steps out of the way, closing the door, and then drops to her knees before Damon. She takes his hand, her head bowed. “Oh, Sire…oh, it’s you.” I can hear that she is weeping. “It has been so long. I thought the worst. You’re back…you’re back.” She looks up; her eyes and cheeks are wet with tears.
“Dear Merna, please stand. Yes, it is me.” Damon helps her to her feet. “And I am Damon to you, dear sweet lady.” I can hear from his voice that he is filled with emotion. “You are a sight for sore eyes.” He pulls her into a bear hug.
“I would say the same thing to you, dear boy.” They hug, and my throat tightens a little just seeing them. “I never thought I would see the day. I thought I would be long gone and turned to ash before your return.” Her voice is muffled against his chest. “That’s if you returned at all. Oh, happy days.”
“I am here. It is me. I am back,” he says, finally letting her go.
Damon’s old nursemaid wipes her eyes. “Come in.” She gestures to the small space. It is neat and cozy. “Who is this lovely young lady?” She smiles at me; her eyes are still watery.
“I’m Kyrie.”
Merna clasps my hand. Her skin feels thin, like paper, and is cool to the touch. “It is good to meet you. Any friend of Damon’s is a friend of mine. Please, take a seat…both of you. Can I make you some raspberry tea? I’ll sweeten it with extra honey, just how you like it,” she asks Damon, her eyes wide and filled with joy.
“No.” He shakes his head. “Thank you, but I need to be on my way soon. Is Elsie still working here at the Ice Court?”
She nods. “Yes, but not as a nursemaid. There have been no more royal babes born since…since Snow has taken over the rule.” Her voice hardens. “Elsie works in the kitchen. She is quite the baker. My girl will be so thrilled to see you. She’s married with three little ones.”
“Three.” Damon smiles. “That is wonderful.”
“We have a good life here at the Ice Court, but I hear that it isn’t so for those living outside of the fae territories.” She frowns, her eyes turning troubled.
Damon shakes his head, looking somber. “I’m afraid that you are right. Times are hard. I have a big favor to ask of Elsie. I hoped that you would still be in the same accommodation as before, but I don’t know where she lives now.”
“She lives here in the staff quarters, in one of the bigger units but I’m afraid that she is at work right now. You can wait here, but she will be a few hours yet. What is going on, Damon? What do you need? You know you can trust me.”
Damon nods. “Shall we sit?” He gestures to a table and chairs.
“Are you sure I can’t get you something to drink? Take a seat. I will be back in a moment.” She stands before we can object. “I insist,” she adds, putting an end to any arguments.